Bookshop Clearance
Eurographics is having a clearance sale of printed proceedings, that are
held in stock in Germany. Items will be supplied subject to availability!
Those books will be offered free of charge to people who are willing to pay
the delivery costs in advance.
Don't miss this occasion to complete your own library - so please have a
look at the list of books available.
How do you place an order?
Please contact: publishing-support(a) <>
Dear CG Community,
for the first year EUROGRAPHICS2019 will host the new track EG2019 Think
Tanks, as special sessions of the EG2019 Program.
The EG2019 Think Tanks are
TT1 - CreativeAI - AI meets Graphics Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
Organizers: Niloy Mitra (University College London), Marie-Paule Cani (Ecole
Tuesday, 07 May 2019, 9:30-10:30 - Room Ponente
TT2 - The future of avatar-human interaction in VR, AR, and mixed reality
Organizers: Nuria Pelechano (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Yiorgos
Chrysanthou, (University of Cyprus), Julien Pettré (INRIA-Rennes)
Wednesday, 08 May 2019, 9:30-10:30 Room Libeccio
For more details, please refer to the attached leaflet & to the following
For information about EG2019, visit
For the EG2019 registration, visit
Best regards,
The Faculty of Engineering at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität
Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) invites applications for a
W2 Professorship for Computer Science Visual Computing
(Associate Professor)
at the Department of Computer Science. The professorship is a full-time
and permanent position to be filled by the earliest possible starting date.
We seek to appoint an expert who will develop an internationally visible
research and teaching profile. Applicants should be skilled researchers
who have published relevant publications focusing on one or more areas
relating to visual computing such as
Computer vision and 3D reconstruction
Machine learning with regard to visual computing
Virtual and extended reality
Visual analytics / information visualization
Human-machine interaction
Geometry processing and 3D printing
Computational photography / Cinematography
with experience in particular in interdisciplinary applications of
visual computing such as
Digital humanities and social sciences
Digitalised production and robotics
Medical engineering and life sciences
The successful candidate will be expected to make a contribution to the
degree programmes offered by the Department of Computer Science and
become involved in the interdisciplinary centres and central institutes
at FAU.
Successful candidates demonstrate excellent academic achievements in
research and teaching at the highest international standards. You have
substantial research experience abroad as well as experience in managing
research projects and in raising third-party funding. A university
degree and an outstanding doctoral degree as well as a passion for
education and pertinent teaching experience [, including the ability to
teach in English,] are prerequisites. The position also requires
additional postdoctoral qualifications. These should be in the form of a
habilitation (postdoctoral thesis) or equivalent academic publications.
You may also have acquired the necessary qualifications in a
non-university context or through a junior faculty position (for example
as W1 Professor or Assistant Professor). [State additional
qualifications if required, for example, three years teaching experience
in the field of teacher training.]
FAU expects applicants to become actively involved in administering
academic affairs and in developing strategic initiatives. FAU pursues a
policy of intense student mentoring and therefore expects its teaching
staff to be present during lecture periods.
FAU offers an outstandingly productive research environment as well as a
passionate and multi-disciplinary scholarly community within a vibrant
institutional network.
In its pursuit of academic excellence, FAU is committed to equality of
opportunity and to a proactive and inclusive approach, which supports
and encourages all under-represented groups, promotes an inclusive
culture and values diversity. FAU is a family-friendly employer and is
also responsive to the needs of dual career couples.
Please submit your complete application documents (CV, list of
publications, list of lectures and courses taught, copies of
certificates and degrees, list of third-party funding) online at
https://berufungen.fau.de by 17.05.2019,
addressed to the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. Please contact
<> tf-dekanat(a) with any questions.
Call for Papers - 24th International Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and
Visualization (VMV 2019)
The symposium takes place September 30-October 2, 2019 in Rostock, Germany.
The International Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV) is
well-established as Germanys premier scientific meeting that covers the
full spectrum of visual computing. VMV offers researchers the opportunity to
discuss a wide range of different topics within an open, international, and
interdisciplinary environment.
As in previous years, the proceedings will be published in cooperation with
Eurographics and archived in the EG digital library. Authors are encouraged
to submit their original research results, practice and experience reports,
or novel applications. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
* 3D Printing
* Animation, Simulation, and GPGPU
* Geometric Modeling
* Color, Illumination, and Reflectance Modeling
* Material Appearance
* Realistic and Non-Photorealistic Rendering
* Offline and Real-time Rendering
Visualization and Interactive Interfaces
* Information Visualization
* Scientific Visualization
* Visual Analytics and Interactive Data Science
* Visual Interfaces
Computer Vision and Image Processing
* 3D Acquisition, Motion Capture, and Tracking
* Computational Photography, Sensors, and Sensor Fusion
* Image-based Modeling and Rendering
* Object and Pattern Recognition
Applications of/for Visual Computing
* Biology and Medicine
* Games and Film
* Evaluation and Perception
* Physics and Engineering
* Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality
Contributors are invited to submit papers of up to 8 pages in the EG
publication style. Longer papers are expected to make additional
contributions. The review process will be double-blind. Accepted papers have
to be presented at the symposium. Papers and supplemental material will be
submitted using the SRM submission system.
Important Dates
June 21, 2019 Paper submission deadline
August 9, 2019 Acceptance notification
September 6, 2019 Camera ready version
Sep. 30-Oct. 2, 2019 Symposium
General Chair:
Oliver Staadt
Program Chairs:
Hans-Jörg Schulz
Matthias Teschner
Michael Wimmer
Fully-funded PhD positions available in marine data science.
Deadline for application: 15. May 2019.
The Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science (MarDATA) is recruiting
candidates for doctoral studies (PhD) at Germanys leading institutes for
marine research, GEOMAR and AWI, together with their partner universities in
Kiel and Bremen. We are looking for excellent graduates holding master
degrees in computer science (Informatik in German), software architecture,
data engineering, data analytics, advanced statistics, machine learning,
numerical and applied mathematics, bioinformatics or electrical
engineering/technical cybernetics.
More information can be found at (Application
deadline 15 May 2019)
MarDATA, a graduate school financed by the Helmholtz Association, will
define and educate a new type of marine data scientists by introducing and
embedding researchers from data science into ocean sciences from
supercomputing and modelling, (bio)informatics, robotics, to statistics and
big data methodologies. Researchers from the German leading institutes for
marine research, the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and the
Alfred-Wegener-Institute (AWI) Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine
Research, will jointly educate and supervise doctoral candidates together
with information & data science specialists from their partner universities
in Kiel (Kiel University) and Bremen (Universität Bremen and Jacobs
The broad education in joint block courses, international summer schools and
colloquia will go beyond a single discipline towards genuine scientific
insight into and a more systematic treatment of marine data.
Call for Posters
Deadline: April 15, 2019, 23:59 GMT (has been extended by a week!!)
EuroVis 2019 (3-7 June 2018, in Porto, Portugal) features a posters track.
The posters track will present late-breaking results, work in progress, and
follow-up extensions, application case studies, or evaluations of existing
methods. In particular, it provides young researchers, especially
postgraduate students, with valuable opportunities to receive feedback from
other researchers and engage in stimulating discussions.
Submission Instructions
We solicit poster submissions in the form of a sketch (i.e., an extended
abstract of at most 2 pages in the EuroVis poster format, with an additional
page allowed for references only).We strongly encourage the submission of
additional materials. For example, you can submit an additional PDF (without
any page limit) that contains a number of example results, screenshots, an
interaction sequence, etc. The poster draft can also be added as additional
material (but is not mandatory for the submission). Finally, submissions can
also include supplementary material such as videos or executable programs.
In particular for interactive tools/approaches, a digital video is essential
and thus strongly encouraged to allow the reviewers to assess the
interactive aspects.
Poster sketches are to be submitted using the Precision Conference System (
<> PCS).
At least one author of an accepted poster must attend the conference to
present the work, and authors will also be required to present a brief (less
than one-minute) summary of their poster content at the opening preview
session (also called fast-forward).
Both a PDF version of the poster and the extended abstract will be included
on the conference USB stick and also in the EG digital library with a DOI.
The material in a poster/sketch can later be reused by the original authors
for a more extensive publication (e.g., a full paper) with more detailed
content and mature results, without being considered self-plagiarism.
For detailed poster preparation and submission instructions please refer to
the submission guidelines (
Important Dates
* April 15, 2019: Submission deadline
* April 28, 2019: Notification of acceptance
* May 05, 2019: Camera-ready version
All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT.
Poster Program Co-Chairs: Renata Raidou (TU Wien, Austria) and João Madeiras
Pereira (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
EuroVis General Chairs: Alfredo Ferreira (INESC-ID, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa) and Joaquim A. Jorge (INESC-ID, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa)
Northumbria University, located at Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK, has some
Faculty member position opportunities. As we hope to have more computer
graphics and computer vision people applying, please kindly consider the job
and help us to share the information in your network.
The job advertisement can be found here:
er--senior-lecturer Lecturer/Senior Lecturer is equivalent to Assistant
Professor in the American system. This is a permanent position upon
recruitment. The department is open to recruiting multiple people for the
The Department of Computer & Information Sciences at Northumbria University
was recently ranked 251-300 in THE Computer Science World University Subject
ort_order/asc/cols/stats> with an estimated World Rank of 260th, equating
to a UK rank of =30th (alongside Cardiff and York). We just hired 8
permanent faculty members in 2017/18, and is hiring more now in 2018/19. Now
the department consists of 70 permanent staff members and is one of the
largest Computer/Information Sciences department in the UK. The
Computational Intelligence and Visual Computing Research Team
> led by Hubert Shum <> consists of academics
from the areas of artificial intelligence, graphics and vision. It organized
international conferences such as BMVC 2018 <> and
ACM SIGGRAPH Conference in Motion, Interaction and Games 2019
<> .
Any informal queries can be emailed to Hubert Shum
hubert.shum(a) <>
Dr. Hubert P. H. Shum
Associate Professor (Reader)
Director of Research and Innovation
REF Unit of Assessment Lead
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Faculty of Engineering and Environment
Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, United Kingdom
Email: hubert.shum(a) <>
Web page: <>
Dear Colleagues,
Please pass the information about an opportunity to apply for a funded PhD
studentship at the University of Cambridge. The advert is directed to those
students who are interested in applying machine learning methods in
rendering problems.
Closing date: 8 April 2019
Best Regards,
Dr. Rafał Mantiuk,
Reader in Graphics and Displays
Department of Computer Science and Technology, The Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge <>
VCBM 2019 Call for Papers
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine 2019 in
Brno, Czech Republic
*) Workshop Dates: September 4-6, 2019
*) Submission Deadline: June 14, 2019
Aims and Scope
EG VCBM (, the Eurographics Workshop on Visual
Computing for Biology and Medicine, is an annual event addressing the state
of the art in visual computing research with a strong focus on applications
in biology and medicine. It provides an interdisciplinary forum for experts
(researchers and practitioners) from visualization, visual analytics,
computer graphics, image processing, computer vision, human-computer
interfaces as well as experts from biology and medicine, jointly working on
next generation visual computing solutions for medicine, healthcare and the
biotechnology sector. This years workshop (already the 9th VCBM since its
foundation in 2008) will be held during September 4-6, 2019, in Brno, Czech
EG VCBM solicits the submission of original, application-oriented research
papers that advance the fusion of visual computing methods within medicine
and biology. All papers (regular papers as well as short papers) should
focus on a well-defined biological/medical problem, and demonstrate a
significant innovation or improvement in visual computing.
Suggested topics for full and short papers include, but are not limited to:
*) Visual computing solutions for medical applications like radiology,
surgery, pathology, cardiology, nephrology, neurology, etc., including
medical education
*) Visual computing solutions for applications that support biomedical
research in systems biology, *omics research, molecular pathology,
neuroanatomy, biomedical imaging, etc.
*) Operation room of the future, including the uses of virtual reality and
augmented reality in medical applications.
*) Visualization approaches for data from new or challenging imaging
modalities including real-time imaging (e.g., ultrasound)
*) Visual computing solutions in the context of the virtual physiological
human. Medical simulation and visual computing solutions that support new
approaches in computational medicine.
*) Visual analytics solutions for data coming from epidemiological studies,
like population studies.
In addition to that, we solicit:
*) Survey papers on visual computing in biology and medicine
Information for Authors
In addition to full-length papers, there will be again a short papers track
and a survey track, encouraging scientific contributions from an even more
diverse group of researchers and practitioners. All VCBM 2019 papers (full,
short and surveys) will be peer-reviewed and will appear in the Eurographics
Digital Library.
We encourage the use of digital videos to support all submissions,
particularly if part of, or all of the work covers interactive techniques.
Please use only the most common video codecs such as MP4 to maximize the
chances that the reviewers can view it.
*) Full Papers: We do not impose strict maximum lengths for submitted papers
to the full papers track. However, it is unusual for papers to exceed 10
pages (in CGF latex style including all images and references). Papers
should only be as long as their content would justify. Reviewers might rate
a submission lower if it is perceived as being unnecessarily long or might
recommend it for a short paper, instead. Authors are encouraged to use
supplementary material, such as videos or executable programs to provide
extra contents.
As in previous years, the authors of the best three papers will be invited
by the Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) journal to submit a revised version,
which needs to have a significant amount of novel material, and be within
the focus subjects of the CGF journal.
*) Short Papers: Short papers describe a more focused and concise research
contribution and are likely to have a smaller - yet significant - scope of
contribution. Potential examples include the presentation of initial results
from novel ongoing research projects or the exploration of new application
areas. Short papers draw from the same list of topics as full papers. Their
length is limited to a total of 5 pages (including references).
*) Surveys: We do not impose strict maximum lengths for submitted papers to
the surveys track. However, it is unusual for surveys to exceed 20 pages (in
CGF latex style including all images and references). Authors are encouraged
to use supplementary material, such as videos, to provide extra contents.
Surveys are also eligible for the CGF journal invitation.
VCBM 2019 will also feature a poster program, the details of which will be
announced in a separate call.
Submission Instructions
Papers can be submitted using the Eurographics SRM conference management
system here:
Login with your existing SRM account, or create a new one using the relevant
More information on the preparation of your submissions will also be
available on the VCBM 2019 website: <>
Important Dates
*) Paper submission deadline (full, short and survey papers): June 14, 2019
*) Author notification: July 12, 2019
*) Camera-ready deadline: August 2, 2019
*) Workshop: September 4-6, 2019
All deadlines are at 23:59 CET (UTC+1).
the Full Paper Co-Chairs of EG VCBM 2019,
Barbora Kozlikova (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
Lars Linsen (University of Münster, Germany)
Pere-Pau Vazquez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
together with the Short Paper Co-Chairs of EG VCBM 2019,
Kai Lawonn (Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany )
Renata Georgia Raidou (TU Wien, Austria)
EuroVis 2019 Posters Track
Call for Posters
Deadline: April 7, 2019, 23:59 GMT
EuroVis 2019 (3-7 June 2018, in Porto, Portugal) features a posters track.
The posters track will present late-breaking results, work in progress, and
follow-up extensions, application case studies, or evaluations of existing
methods. In particular, it provides young researchers, especially
postgraduate students, with valuable opportunities to receive feedback from
other researchers and engage in stimulating discussions.
Submission Instructions
We solicit poster submissions in the form of a sketch (i.e., an extended
abstract of at most 2 pages in the EuroVis poster format, with an additional
page allowed for references only).We strongly encourage the submission of
additional materials. For example, you can submit an additional PDF (without
any page limit) that contains a number of example results, screenshots, an
interaction sequence, etc. The poster draft can also be added as additional
material (but is not mandatory for the submission). Finally, submissions can
also include supplementary material such as videos or executable programs.
In particular for interactive tools/approaches, a digital video is essential
and thus strongly encouraged to allow the reviewers to assess the
interactive aspects.
Poster sketches are to be submitted using the Precision Conference System (
<> PCS).
At least one author of an accepted poster must attend the conference to
present the work, and authors will also be required to present a brief (less
than one-minute) summary of their poster content at the opening preview
session (also called fast-forward).
Both a PDF version of the poster and the extended abstract will be included
on the conference USB stick and also in the EG digital library with a DOI.
The material in a poster/sketch can later be reused by the original authors
for a more extensive publication (e.g., a full paper) with more detailed
content and mature results, without being considered self-plagiarism.
For detailed poster preparation and submission instructions please refer to
the submission guidelines (
Important Dates
* April 07, 2019: Submission deadline
* April 28, 2019: Notification of acceptance
* May 05, 2019: Camera-ready version
All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT.
Poster Program Co-Chairs: Renata Raidou (TU Wien, Austria) and João Madeiras
Pereira (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
EuroVis General Chairs: Alfredo Ferreira (INESC-ID, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa) and Joaquim A. Jorge (INESC-ID, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa)