3D Object Retrieval Workshop (3DOR) 2015
Co-located event with Eurographics 2015
Zurich, Switzerland
May 2-3, 2015
Website: <http://vc.ee.duth.gr/3dor2015/> http://vc.ee.duth.gr/3dor2015/
! Tentative program is online !
You may visit the registration page at :
Choose the link to -> Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2015
Please note that :
- Discount is granted for attendees also registered to EG main conference.
The Workshop Chairs
Ioannis Pratikakis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Theoharis Theoharis, NTNU, Norway
Tenured Faculty Position (Associate Professor, W2) on
"Visual Computing"
at RWTH Aachen University (Germany)
The Computer Science Department at RWTH Aachen University has decided to put
a strategic focus on the area of Visual Computing. A new center on this
topic has been founded recently with currently four professors plus two more
faculty positions to be filled before the end of 2015 (one associate level
and one assistant level). International researchers with a substantial track
record are invited to apply by May 31st 2015.
More details can be found in the attached official announcement. If you have
further questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Leif Kobbelt directly.
The 2015 ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games 2015 (MIG)
November 16-18, 2015, Paris, France
Submission Deadline: July 7, 2015
<https://mig2015.inria.fr/> https://mig2015.inria.fr/
The 8th International Conference on Motion in Games will take place in
Paris, France from November 16-18, 2015 and be hosted by Telecom ParisTech.
The conference has an incooperation agreement with Eurographics.
Games have become a very important medium for education, therapy and
entertainment. Motion plays a crucial role in computer games. Characters
move around, objects are manipulated or move due to physical constraints,
entities are animated, and the camera moves through the scene. Even the
motion of the player is used as input to games. Motion is currently studied
in many different areas of research, including graphics and animation, game
technology, robotics, simulation, computer vision, and also physics,
psychology, and urban studies. Cross-fertilization between these
communities can considerably advance the state-of- the-art in the area. The
goal of the Motion in Games conference is to bring together researchers from
this variety of fields to present their most recent results, to initiate
collaborations, and to contribute to the establishment of the research area.
The conference will consist of regular paper sessions, poster presentations,
as well as presentations by a selection of established researchers in areas
related to games and simulation. The conference program will also include
cultural and social events that foster casual and friendly interactions
among the participants. MIG provides an intimate forum for researchers and
practitioners in to present their research results, inspire new ideas, and
promote cross-disciplinary collaborations.
We have an exciting program planned for 2015 with keynote speakers that are
at the forefront of research in character animation, games, and artificial
NEW this year! We are excited to introduce a "Games meets Academia" panel
whose aim is to stimulate an active debate between practitioners and
researchers alike, in an effort to bridge the gap between advanced research
and development in computer games, and fundamental research in interactive
computer animation.
Please stay tuned for more information and refer to
<https://mig2015.inria.fr/> https://mig2015.inria.fr/ for regular updates!
Submission Deadline
July 7, 2015 at 22:00 UTC/GMT
Conference chairs
Catherine Pelachaud, CNRS - LTCI, Telecom ParisTech, France
Program Chairs
Marc Christie, Rennes 1 University/INRIA Rennes, France
Mubbasir Kapadia, Rutgers University, USA.
There are several options for submission which are detailed below. The
review process will be double-blind.
Long Papers
We invite submissions of original, high-quality papers in any of the topics
of interest (see below). Each submission should be 7-10 pages in length,
and will be reviewed by an international program committee for technical
quality, novelty, significance, and clarity. All of the accepted regular
papers will be archived in the EG and ACM digital libraries. All submissions
will be considered for Best Paper Awards. Best Paper, Best Student Paper,
and Best Presentation awards will be conferred during the conference.
Like in previous years, the best papers will be invited to submit an
extended version for publication in the journal of Computer Animation and
Virtual Worlds (CAVW).
Short Papers
We also invite 4-6 page submissions for quick dissemination of fresh ideas.
Short papers should include an augmentation or new application of existing
work. Short papers can also contain the mature seeds of new research. These
papers will undergo the same rigorous review process as regular papers, will
appear in the electronic proceedings, and will be archived in the EG and ACM
digital libraries.
Two types of work can be submitted directly for poster presentation: (1)
Work that has been published elsewhere but is of particular relevance to the
MIG community can be submitted as a poster. This work and the venue in
which it was published should be identified in the abstract. (2) Work that
is of interest to the MIG community but is not yet mature enough to appear
as a short or long paper.
Posters will not appear in the official MIG proceedings but will appear in
an online database for distribution at author's discretion.
Accepted papers will be presented at the conference during oral sessions, or
as posters during a poster session. Best Paper, Best Student Paper and best
Presentation awards will be conferred during the conference.
Papers should be formatted using the SIGGRAPH formatting guidelines:
Details about submission process coming soon.
Topics of Interest
The relevant topics include (but are not limited to):
-Animation Systems
-Animation Algorithms and Techniques
-Character Animation
-Behavioral Animation
-Facial Animation
-Particle Systems
-Simulation of Natural Environments
-Natural Motion Simulation
-Virtual Humans
-Physics-based Motion
-Crowd Simulation
-Path Planning
-Navigation and Way-finding
-Flocking and Steering Behaviour
-Camera Motion
-Object Manipulation
-Motion Capture Techniques
-Motion Analysis and Synthesis
-Gesture Recognition
-Interactive Narrative
All papers will be reviewed carefully by the International Program Committee
For more information, please visit <https://mig2015.inria.fr/>
See you in Paris!
D I G I T A L H E R I T A G E 2 0 1 5
The 2015 International Congress on Digital Heritage
28 September - 2 October 2015, Granada, Spain
- only 10 days missing to the Full Papers deadline
- We have added a new submission category: "Work in Progress"
This new category is aimed to fit better the needs of the humanities
community; we solicit the submission of extended abstracts (2 pages-long),
describing on-going research activities. The conference presentation will be
either full/short time slot or poster, depending on the outcome of the
review process. Extended abstract will be published in the conference
proceedings and indexed on IEEExplore.
- Submission deadlines have been postponed:
* Full Papers (8 pages): April 19th
* Short Papers (4 pages): May 17th
* *NEW* Work in Progress (2 pages): May 17th
More info: <http://www.digitalheritage2015.org> www.digitalheritage2015.org
Final call for papers, SIGRAD2015, Stockholm, 1-2 June, 2015
Extended deadline: 17 April
We invite you to submit papers, 2-4 pages, to the annual event of the
Swedish Chapter of Eurographics,
theme: visualization and interactive graphics in computer games and
to be held at VIC/KTH, Stockholm, 1-2 June, 2015.
More information available on: <http://sigrad.se/sigrad2015/index.html>
Lars Kjelldahl Chris Peters
Call for Participation
SIGGRAPH Asia 2015
Symposium on Education
Submission Deadline: 12 June 2015
SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Kobe: 2-5 November 2015
Kobe Convention Center, Kobe, Japan
<http://sa2015.siggraph.org/en/> http://sa2015.siggraph.org/en/
We are excited to announce about the Symposium on Education program at
SIGGRAPH Asia 2015. The Symposium on Education invites people from both
academia and the industry to present innovative research, methods and
positions about the teaching and integration of computer graphics and
interactive techniques in all areas of learning. We view education as a
natural part of the lifelong learning process, and we wish to support the
evolving integration of art and technology embraced by educators.
We are seeking submissions for Education Papers, Talks, Workshops, Panels,
Student-Focus Talks, Workshops and Panels.
For more information, please see:
Miho Aoki, SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Symposium on Education Chair
Email: <mailto:education_asia@siggraph.org> education_asia(a)siggraph.org
Final call for papers, SIGRAD2015, Stockholm, 1-2 June, 2015
We invite you to submit papers to the annual event of the Swedish Chapter of
theme: visualization and interactive graphics in computer games and
to be held at VIC/KTH, Stockholm, 1-2 June, 2015.
More information available on: <http://sigrad.se/sigrad2015.html>
Lars Kjelldahl Chris Peters
Dear colleagues, the deadline for submitting abstracts to the 2015 Symposium
Geometry Processing is Thursday April 9. Full papers are due Tuesday April
The conference will take place in Graz, Austria, on July 6-8, with the SGP
graduate school on July 4-5. See <http://www.geometryprocessing.org>
http://www.geometryprocessing.org for more information.
Registration is already open - early registration discount expires June 10.
We are proud to announce the invited speakers Robert Lang (Origami), Amit
Singer (Princeton) and Mark Pauly (EPFL). Graduate School courses are given
by J. Solomon, D. Bommes, A. Sageman-Furnas, N. Aigerman, S.
Kovalsky, R. Poranne, A. Jacobson, S. Bouaziz, A. Tagliasacchi, and M.
Best regards,
Miri Ben-Chen and Ligang Liu (papers chairs), Ursula Augsdoerfer, Johannes
Wallner (organizers)
Extension of paper submission deadline: April 19, 2015
D I G I T A L H E R I T A G E 2 0 1 5
The 2015 International Congress on Digital Heritage
28 September - 2 October 2015, Granada, Spain
Full Papers Deadline for Submission - 19th April
DigitalHeritage is the international event for those working on information
technology for heritage. A "federated" world congress of the leading
international societies, organizations, and events around IT for
heritage,DigitalHeritage 2015 will bring together for the second time, VSMM,
Eurographics GCH, Arqueológica 2.0, Archaeovirtual, and special events from
CAA, CIPA, Space2Place, ICOMOS ICIP, and more, all in one venue with a
prestigious joint publication. A groundbreaking public display of cutting
edge digital heritage projects will also grace the conference venue
atGranada's Alhambra and Parque de las Ciencias.
Following the successful format of the first DigitalHeritage in 2013,
theconference will have a single call for papers and a coordinated
scientific review process across all the federating events.
We are seeking original, innovative and previously unpublished contributions
in theoretical or applied Digital Heritage areas. All papers will be
double-blind peer-reviewed by at minimum 3 referees from the International
Scientific Committee. Every submission will have at least one technicaland
one cultural reviewer to ensure a rich diversity of accepted works spanning
both technology and the humanities. All submissions will be reviewed for
originality, significance, clarity, impact, and soundness.
Digital Heritage 2015 is composed of a number of parallel tracks, including
full and short papers, special sessions (tutorials, workshops and panels),
exhibitions, and special events.
Since this is a joint World Congress, you need to submit only once to be
considered for the integrated joint proceedings of all affiliated events.We
remind that we will have a single review process and publication.
Each submission shall indicate the specific Digital Heritage 2015 Theme (see
below) that is more relevant.
You may submit to participate in DigitalHeritage in several ways:
Full (8-page properly formatted paper via EasyChair)
Short (4-page properly formatted paper via EasyChair). Short papers can be
presented as oral presentations or posters.
Note that papers not considered ready for full publication may be asked to
be reformatted as short papers
Workshop/Tutorial/Panel (up to 4-page overview via EasyChair)
Exhibit (up to 4-page overview via EasyChair)
See the following sections for submission details and deadlines.
All submissions will need to be submitted by means of EasyChair that is
accessible through
Submitted manuscripts should not exceed 8 pages for full papers (including
figures, tables and references) and 4 pages for short paper presentations.
Authors should select a single scientific Theme for each submission.
The two best papers on each theme will be invited to submit an extended
version of the paper to a an International Journal including:
ACM Journ. on Computing and Cultural Heritage - JOCCH (
<http://jocch.acm.org/> http://jocch.acm.org/)
Journal of Cultural Heritage (Elsevier,
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - DAACH (Elsevier,
Also this year the Congress Proceedings will be included into IEEE
Xploredigital library and co-placed in the EG Digital Library
Short papers will be presented at the event by either an oral presentation
or by means of a poster and e-posters presentation. Authors of a short paper
should indicate the preferred way of presentation (Oral or Poster).
As the conference adopts a double-blind reviewing process, authors must
ensure that any information that links authors or co-authors, e.g.
affiliations, contact details, e-mails, to the paper are removed on the
paper for the first submission step. Registration details on easyChair
should remain at place.
Full and Short papers must be formatted in IEEE double column, single space
format, A4 page. The word style or the LaTeX template can be downloaded from
the IEEE site.
Special Sessions will include: Tutorials, Workshops and Panels
For a Special Session proposal to be considered for acceptance at
DigitalHeritage 2015, the proposed topic needs to be a presentation of
teachingobjectives (tutorials), contributions to the state-of-the-art, new
initiatives or an emerging area in one of the core themes of the conference.
The topic should be timely and significantly important to the audience, and
the speakers need to convey compelling information about it.
Tutorials should be planned as half-day or full-day, at introductory,
intermediate or advanced levels, and could cover any theme among the entire
spectrum of topics of the Conference. They could focus vertically on
technology, or could demonstrate its potential for creative applications.
Tutorials are intended to show what can be done, but even more importantly,
how this is done and what kind of tools can be used to do it. While
proposing a tutorial, authors should consider that tutorial attendees come
from diverse backgrounds, ranging from research and development to
education, curatorship and applications.
Proposals for Workshops and Panels will be judged by the ability to
bringtogether key researchers from the CH as well as ICT domains, aiming at
introducing a new area to the overall community, to further develop it, and
to help establishing a larger research community beyond that area. Special
session proposals covering multi-disciplinary areas are particularly
encouraged, as well as those proposals regarding common challenges, e.g.
(and not restricted to) Methods in Archaeology, Museums and Technology, etc.
Special Session submissions (up to 4 A4-pages) should contain the following
- A title and brief description of the content or topic and its relevance
to the DH community (not more than 1,500 words);
- Full contact information for all tutorial instructors or workshop
leaders, including a one-paragraph statement of their research interests and
areas of expertise;
- A short CV for each presenter, participant or authors who have agreed to
participate with their results to the session
- A description of target audience and expected number of
participants(based, if possible, on past experience);
- Any special requirements for technical support.
Additionally, Tutorial proposals should include:
- A brief outline showing that the core content can be covered in a half
day (approximately 3 hours, plus breaks). In exceptional cases, full-day
tutorials may be supported as well.
Workshop proposals must include:
- The intended length and format of the workshop and the forecasted number
of attendees;
- A proposed budget (as DH workshops are expected to be self-financing).
While planning your submission(s), take into account that Digital Heritage
2015 will focus around five Heritage Themes:
Digitization and Acquisition
Photogrammetry & image-based modeling
3D scanning & digitization (laser, structured light, motion capture, etc.)
Remote sensing and Aerial Laser Scanning (ALS)
Advanced 2Ddocument scanning
Low-cost & gaming 3D input
Ultra-high resolution & HDR photography
Terahertz, Infrared, UV & X-ray imaging
Advanced sensors research
Heritage diagnostics
Computer Graphics and Interaction
Surface reconstruction from sampled 3D data
Multiresolution 3D modelling and rendering methods
Interactive visualization of very large 3D models in low-end and mobile
Immersive and Active/Passive stereo-displays
Augmented displays
Real + virtual worlds (mixed/augmented reality)
Virtualization of other senses (touch, taste, smell, sound)
Haptic & Multimodal interaction
Distributed VR
Local/remote rendering
Innovative interaction systems
Tools for Storytelling and Serious Games
Tools for multimedia or museums installations
Usability, effectiveness and interface design
Visual simulation of materials
Emerging visualization technologies
Analysis and Interpretation
Historic Document Analysis
Remote Sensing Analysis (including visible, multispectral and radar
Finite element, structural and other analyses
3D modeling (CAD-based and reality-based
Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Virtual Reconstruction Issues
Realism and Interpretation in CH
3D, multimedia and GIS repositories, platforms, & info systems
Digital Curation and Museology
Virtual GIS and Mapping tools
Integrated interpretation of diagnostic sensors
Theory, Methodologies, Preservation and Standards
Metadata Handling & Management
Digital libraries
Heritage Commons
Cultural Analytics
Heritage at Risk
Cognitive Sciences and Interaction
Digital Humanities
Text Markup / Analysis
Born digital content issues
Digital Rights Management
Trusted digital repositories / OAIS
Institutional Repositories
Semantic Web in CH
New Economical Models for Digital Heritage
Long term storage and persistence
Requirements and policies for Preservation
Data formats and compression for preservation
Digital Heritage Projects and Application.
Integrated solutions and best practices in:
Virtual documentation
Virtual heritage conservation
Virtual restoration
Virtual archaeology
Virtual museums
Virtual Exhibitions
Serious Games for heritage
Collaborative environments
Internet technologies and social media
Digital documentation for conservation
The community is invited to submit proposals for installations,
applications, digital artworks, or technical demos to build up the Digital
Heritage Expo at DH2015. During this important international event,
dedicated spaces for Virtual Archaeology, Virtual Museums and Digital Art
will provide an additional forum to showcase project results and present
applications. Spaces will be provided by the Science Museum and will be
accessible and open not only to the conference participants but to also to
the public. Best showcases and projects will be selected by the scientific
committee, and will be assigned space and visibility within the exhibition
area. Applications and artworks must be finished and submitted by the
deadlines defined in this call. Submissions should not exceed 4 A4-pages
(including images, references, etc.) addressing the scope of the exhibition
themes and highlight innovation (cultural/technological), impact (cognitive,
artistic, communicative), novelty of the approach, a
nd typology of the
installation/application, of the contents and of the interactive system.
Submissions might be complemented by supplementary visual material.
Paper submissions, Applications, Exhibitions & Showcases are encouraged to
submit visual materials, promotional videos or multimedia presentationsthat
demonstrate and describe the results of the scientific work, project, or
exhibitor showcase. Visual Materials will be required by the scientific
committee for the selection of the best working results to be awarded. A
dedicated upload area will be provided for final paper submission.
Submissions will be administratively rejected without review if it is found
1. The submission violates the IEEE & EG Policy and Procedures on
2. The submission is a dual submission; that is, if the submission is
simultaneously under review for any other conference or publication.
3. Electronic files have been submitted that have been designed to have side
effects other than presenting the submitted work to reviewers and committee
members (for example, a "phone home" script).
4. It appears that the paper contains material for which the submitters have
not secured the necessary copyrights.
Full Papers
Deadline for Submission 19th April
Notification of Acceptance 7th June
Camera Ready Receipt 15th July
Short Papers
Deadline for Submission 17th May
Notification of Acceptance 30th Jun
Camera Ready Receipt 15th July
Deadline for Submission 19th April
Notification of Acceptance 30th May
Camera Ready Receipt 15th July
Deadline for Submission 19th April
Notification of Acceptance 30th May
Camera Ready Receipt 15th July
Deadline for Submission 19th April
Notification of Acceptance 30th May
Camera Ready Receipt 15th July
Digital Heritage Expo
Deadline for Submission 3rd May
Notification of Acceptance 17th June
Camera Ready Receipt 15th July
Livio de Luca French National Center for Scientific Research
Lisa Fischer Colonial Williamsburg Foundation (USA)
Victor López-Menchero Virtual Archaeology International Network
Juan Carlos Torres University of Granada (Spain)
Gabriele Guidi Polytechnic of Milan (Italy)
Roberto Scopigno Italian National Research Council (Italy)
Digitization and Acquisition - Fabio Remondino (Italy)
Computer Graphics and Interaction - Pere Brunet (Univ. Politecnica
de Catalunia, Spain)
Analysis and Interpretation - Juan Barceló (Universidad Autónoma de
Barcelona, Spain)
Theory, Methodologies, Preservation and Standards - Luciana Duranti
(Univ. British Columbia, Canada)
Digital Heritage Projects and Applications - Susan Hazan (Israeli
Museum, Israel)
Holger Graf - Fraunhofer IGD (Germany)
Sofia Pescarin - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy)
ArchaeoVirtual: Sofia Pescarin, CNR Italian National Research
Council (Italy)
Arqueologica2.0: Alfredo Grande & Jose Luis Lerma, SEAV (Spanish
Societyof Virtual Archaeology)
CAA: Jeffrey Clark, North Dakota State University (USA)
CIPA (ICOMOS): Andreas Georgopoulos, NTUA (Greece) & Mario Santana,
Carleton Univ. (Canada)
GCH: Dieter Fellner, Franuhofer Inst. (Germany) & Roberto Scopigno,
CNR (Italy)
Space2Place: Maurizio Forte, Duke Univ (USA) & Stefano Campana,
Univ. ofSiena (Italy)
VSMM2015: Lon Addison & Livio De Luca, VSMM Society
Papers (& abstract) deadline Wednesday Apr 15 - EXTENDED
The 25th edition of the Eurographics Spanish Chapter Conference on Computer
Graphics CEIG 2015 will take place in Benicassim, Valencia (Spain), from
July 1 to July 3, 2015.
The submitted full papers (less than 10 pages) and short papers (less than 4
pages) will undergo a full double-blind peer review cycle. Also, both
Spanish and English will be accepted as valid languages for submission
As in the last edition, authors will have the option to present their work
without being published in the proceedings. This track is specially
advisable for works which have ideas still under development or aimed for
different venues, but whose authors wish to undergo the full review cycle
and present their advances to the CEIG audience.
A selection of the best papers in the proceedings will be invited to submit
an extended version to the Computer Graphics Forum journal.
The latex template can be downloaded here:
<http://ceig2015.uji.es/CEIG2015.zip> http://ceig2015.uji.es/CEIG2015.zip
The submission website is available at:
For any questions regarding papers, poster or tutorials please contact us
at: <mailto:ceig2015@easychair.org> ceig2015(a)easychair.org
The main conference topics include (but are not limited to):
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Realistic and non-photorealistic visualization
2D, and 3D image processing & synthesis
Real-time and offline rendering
Volume data modelling and visualization
Geometric modelling
Graphical User Interfaces and interaction
Procedural modelling
Computational photography/optics/displays
Computer animation
Software and hardware systems/architectures for computer graphics
Virtual humans and Artificial Intelligence
Computer Graphics applications
Serious games
Computer Graphics & education
This year, besides the beautiful beaches of Benicassim, the CEIG attendees
will benefit from the interaction with the collocated event INTROGRAPH -- an
introductory conference to CG and gaming tech for young students --which
will share invited talks and workshops.
We are looking forward to see your work in the 25th anniversary of CEIG,
Jorge Lopez-Moreno
Mateu Sbert
CEIG 2015 program chairs
Abstract deadline Wednesday Apr 15 - EXTENDED
Papers deadline Wednesday Apr 15 - EXTENDED
Author notification Monday May 4
Tutorial deadline Friday Apr 24
Tutorial notification Friday May 8
Poster deadline Friday June 19
Poster notification Friday June 26
All times are 23:59 (midnight) UTC.