Web3D 2023 - Final Paper Submissions Deadline is 9 July 2023
You still have time to submit your best work! We also encourage you to submit your work in progress as short papers and showcase your research at the conference.
We have extended the paper <https://web3d.siggraph.org/cfp/> submissions deadline for <https://web3d.siggraph.org/> Web3D 2023 Conference. Final paper submissions deadline is 9 July 2023.
View all <https://web3d.siggraph.org/important-dates/> important dates here.
Join us on 9-11 October 2023 in the stunning city of San Sebastián, Spain for this remarkable event!The 28th International Conference on 3D Web Technology will address an extensive range of research, development, and practices related to several 3D application domains including the metaverse.
We Welcome Submissions in the Following Categories:
1. Academic Papers and Posters
2. Tutorials
3. Workshops
4. Industrial Use Cases
5. Competition Entries
Why Submit your Work?
* Visibility: Gain exposure to an international audience passionate about 3D Graphics.
* Networking: Engage with leading minds in your industry.
* Influence: Drive the conversation and inspire the next generation of creators and innovators.
* Publication Possibility: Open the doors to new opportunities with your published work.
Ready to make an impact?
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=web3d2023> Submit your paper here by July 9, 2023
Accepted papers and poster summaries will be published in the Web3D 2023 ACM Conference Proceedings, available in the <https://dl.acm.org/> ACM Digital Library. Works selected for the Best Paper awards will be invited to submit extended versions to the <https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/computers-and-graphics> Computers & Graphics journal.
<https://www.web3d.siggraph.org> Learn More
Imanol Munoz-Pandiella [www <http://imanol-munoz-pandiella.synology.me/> ]
Adjunct Professor
Computer Science Department
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
The 16th annual ACM/SIGGRAPH conference on Motion, Interaction and Games
(MIG 2023, formerly Motion in Games), an ACM SIGGRAPH Specialized
Conferences, held in cooperation with Eurographics, will take place in
Rennes, France, 15th - 17th Nov 2023. See the MIG website:
The goal of the Motion, Interaction, and Games conference is to be a
platform for bringing together researchers from interactive systems and
animation, and have them present their most recent results, initiate
collaborations, and contribute to the advancement of the research area. The
conference will consist of regular paper sessions for long and short papers,
and talks by a selection of internationally renowned speakers from Academia
as well as from the Industry.
The conference organizers invite researchers to consider submitting their
highest quality research for publication in MIG 2023.
We invite submissions of original, high-quality papers in any of the topics
of interest (see below) or related topics. Each submission should be 7-9
pages in length for a long paper, or 4-6 pages for a short paper. References
are excluded from the page limit. We encourage authors with content that can
be fit into 6 pages to submit as a short paper and only to submit a long
paper if the content requires it.
All submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed by our international
program committee for technical quality, novelty, significance, and clarity.
Double-blind means that paper submissions must be anonymous and include the
unique paper ID that will be assigned upon creating a submission using the
online system.
Papers should not have previously appeared in, or be currently submitted to,
any other conference or journal. For each accepted contribution, at least
one of the authors must register for the conference.
All submissions will be considered for the Best Paper, Best Student Paper,
and Best Presentation awards, which will be conferred during the conference.
Authors of selected best papers will be referred (under validation) to
submit extended and significantly revised versions for a Special Issue of
Computers & Graphics journal.
All submissions should be formatted using the SIGGRAPH formatting guidelines
(sigconf). Latex template can be found here:
All papers should be submitted electronically using EasyChair:
Important dates
Abstract submission: 30th June 2023
Long and Short Paper Submission Deadline: 7th July 2023
Long and Short Paper Acceptance Notification: 1st September 2023
Long and Short Paper Camera Ready Deadline: 22nd September 2023
Relevant topics include (but are not limited to):
Animation Systems
Animal locomotion
Autonomous actors
Behavioral animation, crowds & artificial life
Clothes, skin and hair
Deformable models
Expressive animation
Facial animation
Facial feature analysis
Game interaction and player experience
Game technology
Gesture recognition
Group and crowd behaviour
Human motion analysis
Image-based animation
Interaction in virtual and augmented reality
Interactive animation systems
Interactive storytelling in games
Machine learning techniques for animation
Motion capture & retargeting
Motion control
Motion in performing arts
Motion in sports
Motion rehabilitation systems
Multimodal interaction: haptics, sound, etc
Navigation & path planning
Physics-based animation
Real-time fluids
User-adaptive interaction and personalization
Virtual humans
XR (AR, VR, MR) environments
Conference Chairs
Julien Pettre, INRIA, France
Barbara Solenthaler, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Program Chairs
Rachel McDonnell, TCD, Ireland
Christopher Peters, KTH, Sweden
All questions about submissions should be emailed to Rachel McDonnell
(ramcdonn (at) tcd.ie) and Christopher Peters (chpeters (at) kth.se).
3rd and final call for contributions - Posters &
EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
4-6 September, Salento, IT
We are finally calling for contributions, that might be showcased during the
21st EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
(GCH 2023: <https://www.gch2023.eu/>
as Poster and/or interactive demo. You will have the chance to present and
showcase interesting and
innovative project results at GCH 2023. Therefore, we are inviting you to
propose summaries from research projects,
projects in the field, applications or technical demos to GCH 2023 related
to the core topics of the workshop.
A dedicated space* will be provided to present your work. It will be
accessible to all registered conference participants.
Please, submit your contributions through the SRMSystem at
no later than
30th of June
Further instructions will be provided on how to submit your Poster and
e-Poster to the workshop on acceptance notification.
GCH this year is organised from the 4th to the 6th of September 2023, in the
(still) astonishing location of
Salento (at Convitto Palmieri in Lecce, Italy), and, for the first time, in
co-location with
XRSalento (https://www.xrsalento.it/);
A special interactive session dedicated to "XR for Cultural Heritage" will
be jointly organised on the 6th of September.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon in Salento!
The organising committee
*Please, note: you will need to bring your own equipment for showcasing
project results. Only limited space is available.
The Bio+MedVis challenge is announcing that on Tuesday, June 27 at 10
AM CET, you will have a chance to meet the representatives of the
ProCan® team and after their short presentation of the challenge,
there will be space for answering your questions. For those who cannot
join, the meeting will be also recorded and made available here.
Link to the meeting: https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/93610475094
The Bio+MedVis challenge is a yearly event for everyone interested in
the interface between biology, medicine, and visualization. The
challenge provides cutting-edge data with an opportunity to showcase
your creative skills to find new ways of visual exploration toward new
scientific discoveries. This year’s challenge will be based on a study
recently published in Cancer Cell by the ProCan team (Gonçalves et
al., 2022). The study aimed to generate a comprehensive pan-cancer
proteomic map of human cell lines to aid in the discovery of cancer
biomarkers and the development of new cancer treatments. The main
challenge will be to create an integrated overview of cell-type /
tissue-type / cancer-type distributions of both single proteins as
well as protein categories. There will also be a re-design challenge
connected to improving the representation/interaction strategies used
for one of the figures in the paper.
Submission deadline: August 10th, 2023
The best submissions will be invited to present their work during the
For details, visit: http://biovis.net/2023/biovisChallenges_vis/
Contact: biovis_challenge(a)ieeevis.org
Barbora Kozlikova, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Daniel Jönsson, Linköping University, Sweden
Renata Raidou, TU Wien, Austria
Sean O’Donoghue, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney
CGVC 2023, hosted by Aberystwyth University (Wales, UK), is the 41st annual
computer graphics, visualisation, and visual computing conference organised
by the Eurographics UK Chapter. The objective of Computer Graphics & Visual
Computing (CGVC) is to foster greater exchange between visual computing
researchers and practitioners, to welcome more researchers and industry
partners in the UK, Europe, and beyond into this rapidly growing area of
research. CGVC's scope includes all areas of visual computing, and a
steadily more wide-spread visibility that achieves a more wide-spread
Confirmed keynote speakers are:
-Dr Mai Elshehaly (City, University of London)
“From Data to Policy and Back – The Hidden Role of Visualisation in
-Prof Rafał Mantiuk (University of Cambridge)
“Capture and reproduction of perceptual reality”
Submission Deadline: final extension to 3 July 2023
Notification of Acceptance: 24 July 2023
Camera Ready: 7 August 2023
Conference (in-person): 14-15 September 2023
More info: https://cgvc.org.uk/CGVC2023/
Call for Papers
We welcome contributions in the form of full papers, short papers,
viewpoint papers and extended abstracts (posters). Submissions are
optionally single- or double-blind: authors may choose whether to anonymize
their submission or not. Reviewers’ identities are not revealed.
All submissions should represent original research or ideas that have not
been previously presented or published or published in scientific
conferences or published other scientific outlets (pre-publication sites
are excepted from this rule), unless it is clear that the submission
represents a significant advance over previously published work.
Full Papers
A full paper submission is up to 8 pages describing completed research,
plus 1 page of references only. Papers are refereed by members of the EGUK
programme committee. Authors of accepted papers are expected to give a
20-minute presentation at the conference. Accepted papers will appear in
the Eurographics digital library and will serve as full paper publications.
Short Papers
The purpose of short papers is to present late-breaking results,
work-in-progress, and follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing
methods. Short papers will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage process by an
international programme committee. They will be electronically archived and
are fully citable publications. Submissions for the short paper track
should be at most 4 pages, with an additional page allowed for references.
Accepted short papers will be presented orally at the conference in
(approximately) 12-15 minute presentations.
Viewpoint Papers
CGVC also features a viewpoint paper track (also known as position paper)
which enables researchers a new possibility to publish their ideas.
Viewpoints articles offer detailed opinions, supported by evidence, on
trends, novel applications, and new research directions in visual
computing. The range of topics is broad but must be anchored in one or more
of the conference themes (see below). We are interested in papers by both
experienced researchers and early career researchers with novel ideas. For
position papers we encourage discussions of challenges or limitations in
today's methods and areas of potential new research topics. We are also
interested in application discussions that focus on the physical, life or
social sciences, engineering, or commerce, for example, or related to the
process of visual computing in general. For application papers we encourage
an emphasis on lessons learned from practical experience for application
discussions, particularly where visual computing has been employed in a
real, working environment. Viewpoint papers are submitted with author names
and affiliations. Accepted viewpoint papers will be electronically
archived, are fully citable publications and will be presented orally at
the conference in (approximately) 12-15 minute presentations.
Extended Abstracts / Posters
The purpose of this track is to present late-breaking results, work in
progress, and follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing methods. In
particular, it provides young researchers, especially postgraduate
students, with valuable opportunities to receive feedback from other
researchers, and engage in stimulating discussions. The poster track will
be managed by the co-chair team and the International Programme Committee
(IPC). We solicit poster submissions in the form of an extended abstract of
at most 2 pages (with an additional page allowed for references only).
Posters will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage process. Accepted posters will
be presented at the poster viewing session of the conference.
Your abstract should consist of an introduction, methods and conclusion.
Ideally your abstract will include some preliminary results or other
evidence of work in progress.
In addition to directly submitted posters, some submissions to the full,
short and viewpoint paper tracks, that are not accepted for publication but
are deemed suitable, will be offered an opportunity to be presented as
posters. Such submissions will not require an additional review process.
Traditionally, the materials in a poster/extended abstract can be reused
later by the original authors for a more extensive publication (i.e., a
full paper) with more detailed content and mature results. This should not
be considered as self-plagiarism. However, as posters/extended abstracts
are citable, researchers are encouraged to acknowledge novel ideas and
results presented in posters/extended abstracts. A poster may describe a
piece of work in any aspect of visual computing. For posters, we
particularly encourage a summary report of collaborative projects,
work-in-progress, and application case studies.
Accepted abstracts do not appear in the Eurographics digital library. An
extended abstract and industrial project abstract are not considered as a
paper publication, instead being similar to a SIGGRAPH one-page "Talk" or
to a conference poster without an associated paper. As such, presenting an
extended abstract at this conference has no effect on your ability to
publish a fuller version of the same work in another venue.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
-Computer Graphics
-Computer Vision
-Virtual Reality
-Visual Analytics
-Visual Data Science
-Computer Animation
-Computer-based Arts and Entertainment
-Image processing
-Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques
-Graphics Architectures and Acceleration Hardware
-Medical Imaging
-Multimedia Visualisation
-Computer Games
-Rendering Techniques
-Scientific Visualisation and Big Data
-Information Visualisation and Visual Analytics
-Geospatial Visualisation
-Augmented Reality and Collaborative Environments
-Mobile Apps and Interactive Devices
-Human Computer Interaction, Robotics, and Haptics
-Modelling Methods
Medrus Conference Centre
Aberystwyth University
Penbryn, Penglais campus
Programme Chairs
David Hunter (Aberystwyth University)
Peter Vangorp (Utrecht University)
Contact: chairs-cgvc2023(a)eg.org
Conference Chair and Local Organiser
Helen Miles (Aberystwyth University)
VRVis is looking for a new team member to join its Biomedical Image Informatics research group in their endeavor to further advance visual computing solutions for the efficient integration, mining, and exploration of neuroscience data:
* Full-Stack Engineer (f/m/d): Big Life Science Data <https://www.vrvis.at/en/about/career/open-positions/full-stack-engineer-f/m…>
16th Symposium on 3D Object Retrieval 2023 (3DOR'23)
In Cooperation with Eurographics and Elsevier
September 31th August, 1st September 2023
Lille, France
3DOR is the dedicated workshop series for methods, applications and benchmark-based evaluation of 3D object retrieval, classification, and similarity-based object processing. The workshop also includes the 2023 edition of the 3D Shape Retrieval Contest, keynotes, project presentations, and a social and networking event. Short papers will follow a one-stage review process and will appear in the Eurographics Digital Library.
Workshop Chairs:
Silvia Biasotti, CNR IMATI CNR Genoa, Italy
Mohamed Daoudi, IMT Nord Europe, CRIStAL, France
Program Chairs:
Ulderico Fugacci, CNR IMATI CNR Genoa, Italy
Guillaume LavouÈ, Ecole Centrale de Lyon - ENISE, LIRIS, France
Remco C. Veltkamp, Department of Information, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Keynote Speakers:
* Maks Ovsjanikov, Ecole Polytechnique, France
* Stefanie Wuhrer, INRIA, France
* Angela Dai, Technical University of Munich
Short paper timeline
July 10th 2023 Authors must submit short symposium papers
July 31st, 2023, Review stage complete, decision of acceptance or rejection
August 18th, 2023 Final version submission
August 30th, 2023 Publication online of 3DOR Symposium proceedings
September 31th August, 1st September 3DOR Symposium
Call for Papers
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished research and application papers addressing all areas of 3D/4D Object Retrieval. State of the art papers on specific topics of interest are particularly welcome.
Submissions are invited in the form of full papers, which will be peer-reviewed by a two-stage review process, and published as a special section of Computers and Graphics Journal (Elsevier). Also, short papers are invited, which will follow a one-stage review process and will appear in the Eurographics Digital Library (pending).
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* 3D shape analysis
* 3D shape similarity and matching
* 3D mesh sequence retrieval
* 3D mobile media retrieval
* 3D search in large scale data
* 3D object classification, indexing, and mining
* Similarity of non-rigid shapes
* Shape correspondence
* 3D shape decomposition, and segmentation
* Partial, part-in-whole, and many-to-many matching
* Matching under uncertainty and noise
* Semantics-driven 3D object retrieval and classification
* Sketch-based retrieval
* Query interfaces and search modalities
* Benchmarking issues
* Deep learning for 3D shape retrieval
* Generative/discriminative approaches in 3D object categorisation
* Visual Analytics for 3D similarity assessment
* Applications in all areas relevant to 3D/4D objects, including multimedia and information systems, CAD, architecture, games, biometrics, e-science, e-learning, medicine, biology, and cultural heritage, among others.
Submission Information
Short papers
Authors must submit short track and short symposium papers via the Eurographics SRMv2. Authors should aim for their papers to be 8 pages or less. Please see the information about the†guidelines for publishing†through Eurographics.
Further information about using the Eurographics SRMv2 can be found on the Wiki. The necessary template for the workshop is available to download.
Dear colleagues,
The Visual Analytics group ( <https://vcg.informatik.uni-rostock.de/en/> https://vcg.informatik.uni-rostock.de/en/) at the University of Rostock is looking for several new team members at the PostDoc or PhD student level.
See also: <https://vcg.informatik.uni-rostock.de/en/jobs.html> https://vcg.informatik.uni-rostock.de/en/jobs.html
The application deadline is *** June 30, 2023 ***
Please feel free to contact me at <mailto:stefan.bruckner@uni-rostock.de> stefan.bruckner(a)uni-rostock.de, if you have any questions. If you are attending EuroVis in Leipzig next week, I'd be happy to have a personal chat -- just get in touch.
*) 2 x Research Assistant Visual Analytics (PostDoc or PhD student) -- 3 years, option of a 3-year extension:
We are looking for highly motivated individuals with interest in data visualization. You should have a background in visualization, human-computer interaction, and/or computer graphics and very good programming skills. You will conduct research on novel visualization methods with considerable freedom on the specific topic and support teaching at the Chair of Visual Analytics, primarily in the Master’s program “Visual and Intelligent Systems” (solid German needed). Current research projects are related to visual storytelling and immersive analytics in medical contexts.
Online application and further details:
<https://jobs.uni-rostock.de/jobposting/7c943fbd5f5e5b9c3f2796fbbec8fc0bfc83…> https://jobs.uni-rostock.de/jobposting/7c943fbd5f5e5b9c3f2796fbbec8fc0bfc83…
*) 1 x Project Assistant Human-Data Interaction (PhD student) -- 3 years
We are looking for a talented individual who is passionate about interactive visual data analysis, especially the smooth and efficient interaction with visual representations of data. You should have a background in visualization, human-computer interaction, and/or computer graphics, as well as strong programming skills. You will work on the Project “iVMorph – Interactive Visual Metamorphosis for Multi-view Data Exploration”, whose goal is to link multiple heterogeneous visual representations of multi-faceted data via smooth animated transitions.
Online application and further details:
<https://jobs.uni-rostock.de/jobposting/fea0cc035862ebda6f35e54e21d835ffa011…> https://jobs.uni-rostock.de/jobposting/fea0cc035862ebda6f35e54e21d835ffa011…
== Further information ==
The Chair of Visual Analytics ( <https://vcg.informatik.uni-rostock.de/en/> https://vcg.informatik.uni-rostock.de/en/) investigates methods to support humans in understanding large and complex data. To maximize human-machine synergies, we combine expressive visual representations, effective interaction techniques, and powerful analytical approaches. As part of the Institute for Visual & Analytic Computing ( <https://vac.uni-rostock.de/en/> https://vac.uni-rostock.de/en/), we collaborate closely with partners in various domains to activate the full potential of Visual Analytics approaches for gaining insight into heterogeneous and multi-faceted data.
The Hanseatic City of Rostock is a great place to study, research and live. The economic and scientific center of the northeast is very attractive, with all the atmosphere of a major city in the middle of one of the most beautiful parts of Germany. The University of Rostock ( <https://www.uni-rostock.de/en/> https://www.uni-rostock.de/en/) was founded in 1419 and today, with approximately 14,000 students and 2,933 employees, it offers fascinating perspectives in almost all scientific fields. The University of Rostock has an excellent interdisciplinary research landscape covering natural and technical sciences, medicine, life sciences, humanities and cultural studies.
Best regards,
Stefan Bruckner
// Prof. Dr. Stefan Bruckner
// Chair of Visual Analytics
// Institute for Visual and Analytic Computing
// University of Rostock
// E-Mail: <mailto:stefan.bruckner@uni-rostock.de> stefan.bruckner(a)uni-rostock.de
// Phone: +49 381 498 7490 / +49 381 498 7481 (secr.)