== 3 PhD Positions at the University of Bergen, Norway ==
Dear colleagues,
The Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen has three open PhD
positions. The announcement broadly covers all research areas of the
department, but we are particularly interested in good candidates in the
area of visualization.
We are looking for motivated individuals who wish to pursue cutting-edge
visualization research in a stimulating and dynamic international
environment. We perform research in a broad range of topics including
scientific visualization, information visualization, and visual analytics
also in collaboration with a number of application domains such as medicine,
biology, geosciences, physics, and chemistry (see <https://vis.uib.no/>
https://vis.uib.no/ for more information).
These are fully-funded positions with a gross annual salary of NOK 491K
(approx. EUR 50K).
The application deadline is *** May 22, 2022 ***.
Official announcement and online application:
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact me or one of the other
faculty members in visualization (see <https://vis.uib.no/group/>
https://vis.uib.no/group/ ) before applying for further information.
Best regards,
Stefan Bruckner
// Dr. Stefan Bruckner, Professor of Visualization
// Department of Informatics
// University of Bergen, Norway
// https://vis.uib.no/bruckner
GCH2022 - Full Paper submission extended to May 13th 2022
GCH2022 - Delft, September 28-30, 2022 - <https://gch2022.ewi.tudelft.nl/> https://gch2022.ewi.tudelft.nl/
Due to several requests, we are extending the deadline for the full paper submission to the Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage up to Friday, May 13th.
We encourage submissions of new research, projects and applications that demonstrate how computer graphics and other digital technologies are impacting cultural heritage research, preservation and dissemination and promoting sustainable cultural tourism.
This year we invite contributions in the form of full research papers, short papers, posters, and panel sessions/tutorials, with the following corresponding important dates:
Full Paper Submission: May 13, 2022
Full Paper Notification: June 17, 2022
Full Paper Camera Ready: July 18, 2022
Short Paper Submission: June 27, 2022
Short Paper Notification: July 18, 2022
Short Paper Camera Ready: August 26, 2022
Tutorial Submission: June 27, 2022
Tutorial Notification: July 18, 2022
Tutorial Camera Ready: August 26, 2022
Poster Submission: August 29, 2022
Poster Notification: September 7, 2022
Poster Camera Ready: September 14, 2022
Conference: September 28-30, 2022
The complete Call for Papers can be found at the following link:
For more information we invite you to visit the official GCH2022 website:
We are looking forward to receiving your submission and, although EG GCH will run in a hybrid format, to seeing you in Delft if circumstances permit.
Kind regards.
The organizing committee,
Ricardo Marroquim, Federico Ponchio, and Ruggero Pintus
# Call for Contributions
Topological Data Analysis has become, over the last few years, an
established framework for the extraction and analysis of subtle structural
patterns in complex data. It has been successfully applied in a variety of
application fields, including quantum chemistry, astrophysics, fluid
dynamics, combustion, material sciences, biology, and data science. In
particular, the genericity, efficiency, and robustness of topological
methods have made them particularly well suited for the multi-scale,
interactive analysis and visualization of the structural information of
Despite their rising mainstream popularity, topological methods still face a
number of challenges, including, for instance efficient computational
methods for large-scale time-varying data, the characterization of noise and
uncertainty, or the support of emerging data types such as ensemble data or
high-dimensional point clouds.
The IEEE VIS Workshop on Topological Data Analysis and Visualization aims at
being an inclusive forum for the fast dissemination of the latest results in
theory, algorithms, and applications of topological methods for the
interactive and visual analysis of data. This workshop is a remodeling of
the established TopoInVis workshop series, with the goal of being more
diverse (in terms of applications) and inclusive (in terms of communities),
with a clear will to open to other members of the visualization community
potentially interested in topological methods, or experts in topological
methods from other communities willing to experiment with interactive and
visual applications.
New in 2022: This year, in addition to full paper presentations, we will
host a session of lightning talks (approx. 5 minutes) for early-career
researchers (Ph.D. students, post-docs, etc.) to advertise their work to the
Relevant topics include (but are not limited to):
- Topological methods for the analysis and visualization of:
* High dimensional point cloud data
* Graph data
* Scalar, vector, tensor, multi-field data
* Time-varying data
* Ensemble data
* Uncertain data
- Topological methods for data science (dimensionality reduction,
clustering, etc.)
- Computational methods for topological data analysis and visualization
- Software systems for topological data analysis and visualization
- Visual analytic frameworks relying on topological methods
- Applications of topological data analysis and visualization
We welcome contributions as regular papers in the IEEE VGTC format (up to 9
pages of content, plus up to 2 pages of references), as well as abstracts
(at most 500 words) for early-career lightning talks.
Paper submissions will be peer-reviewed by an international program
committee, including experts in topological methods for scientific data,
information visualization, visual analytics, computational geometry and
machine learning.
Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Important Dates:
- June 21, 2022: abstract deadline for full papers
- June 25, 2022: submission deadline for full papers
- July 30, 2022: author notification
- August 15, 2022: submission deadline for early-career lightning talk
abstracts (500 words)
- October 15-17, 2022: Workshop co-located with IEEE VIS
Instructions for submission and further details will appear soon on the
workshop website: <https://topoinvis.org/> https://topoinvis.org/
Program Chairs (alphabetic order):
Talha Bin Masood (Linköping University, Sweden)
Vijay Natarajan (IISc Bangalore, India)
Paul Rosen (University of South Florida, USA)
Julien Tierny (CNRS / Sorbonne University, France)
27-29 September 2022
Kanazawa, Japan
In cooperation with Eurographics Association, ACM SIGGRAPH, and the Society of Art and Science
Conference web page: <https://art-science.org/cyberworlds/cw22/> https://art-science.org/cyberworlds/cw22/
Real and online attendance registrations will be offered.
== SCOPE ==
Cyberworlds are information spaces and communities that immensely augment the way we interact, participate in business and receive information throughout the world.
Cyberworlds seriously impact our lives and the evolution of the world economy by taking such forms as social networking services, 3D shared virtual communities, and massively multiplayer online role-playing games.
The focus theme of CW 2022 is Immersive Space Design.
== TOPICS ==
CW 2022 will have the following tracks with topics not limited to:
Main Track: Visual and Interactive Computing in Cyberspace
* Visual Computing: Extended Reality (XR), Computer graphics, Computer animation, Visualization, Image processing, Computer vision, etc.
* Data Science for Immersive Communication: Immersive analytics, Machine learning in visual communication, Collaborative visual analysis, etc.
* Applications of Cyberworlds: Digital humans, Education in cyberspace, Shared art and cultural heritage, Health care in cyberspace, Online games and living in shared virtual worlds, Non-fungible tokens (NFT), Shared digital fabrication, etc.
* Multimodal Interaction and Human Factors: Man-machine interaction (haptics, olfaction, sonification), Human dynamics, Communication, Collaboration, Entertainment, Digital assistants, Enhanced living, Human augmentation, etc.
Special Track: Cognitive Human-Machine Interaction
* Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) in Extended Reality (XR): BCI applications, EEG-based neuroimaging, Mobile and adaptive BCIs, Neurofeedback systems and games, Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity, Machine-assisted cognitive enhancement, etc.
* Human Factors in Cyberspace: Affective computing, Emotion artificial intelligence, Human factors in transportation and industry, Biosignals, Internet of bodies, Machine and deep learning for biosignal-based algorithms, Neuroergonomics, Cognitive multimodal interfaces, Human factors in XR, Cognitive human-robot interaction, etc.
Special Track: Cybersecurity
* Cybercrime Prevention: Identity and trust management, Content protection and digital rights management, Information hiding and anonymity, Privacy protocols, Security protocols, Malware detection, Attack detection, etc.
* Biometrics in Cyberspaces: Behavioral biometrics, Biometric template protection, Emerging biometrics, Multi-biometrics, Presentation attack detection
* Internet of Things: Security of embedded systems, Security protocols, Security in V2X and smart cities, Mobile networks security, etc.
* Analysis of Digital traces in Cyberspaces: Forensics (computer, mobile devices, network, social media), Altered content detection (multimedia, deep fake), Digital data analysis (social media, file carving), etc.
Full paper (8 pages)
Short paper (4 pages)
Poster paper (2 pages)
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS with all accepted papers will be published by Conference Publishing Services as well as submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, and reference databases of all major referencing indices including EI Compendex, Scopus, and SCI.
SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUES will consider for publications extended versions of the best accepted FULL papers.
Papers (Full/Short) Submission: April 22, 2022(Fri) May 27, 2022 (Fri)
Papers (Full/Short) Notification: May 30, 2022(Mon) June 27, 2022 (Mon)
Poster papers submission: June 10, 2022(Fri) July 8, 2022 (Fri)
Poster papers notification: June 27, 2022(Mon) July 18, 2022 (Mon)
Camera-ready submission: July 15, 2022(Fri) July 28, 2022 (Fri)
Author registration: July 15, 2022(Fri) July 28, 2022 (Fri)
Program Co-Chairs: Yuriko Takeshima, Haoran Xie, Alexei Sourin
Contact: <mailto:cw2022@easychair.org> cw2022(a)easychair.org
Conference web page: <https://art-science.org/cyberworlds/cw22> https://art-science.org/cyberworlds/cw22
Facebook: <https://www.facebook.com/cw.cyberworlds> https://www.facebook.com/cw.cyberworlds
Dear colleagues,
we are opening two academic Postdoc or PhD Positions at the newly
established Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab (HEX Lab)
@FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.
We welcome applications from candidates with strong expertise in the
areas of AR / HCI and/or Computer Vision.
The positions are fully funded for three years, starting in August 2022.
Candidates can out more about the positions here:
And there is some information about the lab here:
https://www.hex.tf.fau.de/ <https://www.hex.tf.fau.de/>
The project is publicly funded and research is conducted closely with
both, partners from industry and medicine.
I would appreciate if you could forward this mail to potential
candidates of interest.
Candidates may feel free to write me directly in case there are any
questions via d.roth(a)fau.de <mailto:d.roth@fau.de> .
Daniel Roth
Dear all,
We would like to share with you the final program for the 10th Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing, which will take place on the 28th of April and is co-located with Eurographics 2022. (Note: this final version is slightly modified from the original to take into account the schedule and keynote of Eurographics)
The program includes 6 original papers, 3 invited papers, the announcement of a video editing competition on an upcoming BBC dataset, and a panel on the future of the domain and workshop.
Do join us -- online or in person -- for this event celebrating 10 years of WICED! You will find details to register here:
And please feel free to share the message to those who may be interested!
Best regards,
WICED 2022 Organizing and Program Chairs
Hui-Yin (Helen) Wu, Rémi Ronfard, and Marc Christie
Please send your nomination before May 1st, 2022 to Brian Wyvill
< <mailto:brianwyvill@gmail.com> brianwyvill(a)gmail.com>. The last year's nominations will continue to
be considered. Self-nominations will be considered.
In honor of Tosiyasu Kunii, the Tosiyasu Kunii Award was established
in 2021 to recognize shape modeling researchers with distinguished
careers. The recipients of the award will be selected by the SMI
Awards Committee, based on proposals from the research community in
Shape Modeling. The proposals can simply be in a formal letter format.
Self-nominations will also be considered. The nomination letters
should provide a clear description of the substantial contributions of
the candidate to the field of shape modeling. Nomination proposals can
be accepted by the SMI awards committee at any time. The decision will
be announced two months before the conference. The Awards are
presented at the Shape Modeling Conference and the award recipients
are invited to give a keynote speech at Shape Modeling Conference.
The Young Investigator Award was established in 2021 to recognize
young researchers who made significant contributions to shape
modeling. The recipients of the award will be selected by the SMI
Awards Committee, based on proposals from the research community in
Shape Modeling. The proposals can simply be in a formal letter format.
Self-nominations will also be considered. The nomination letters
should provide a clear description of the substantial contributions of
the candidate to the field of shape modeling. Nomination proposals can
be accepted by the SMI awards committee at any time. The Awards are
presented at the Shape Modeling Conference and the award recipients
are invited to give a keynote speech at the Shape Modeling Conference.
Dear all,
We would like to remind you that Thursday the 14th April is the last day for
regular registration at the annual Eurographics Conference. Passed this
date, we will not guarantee registration at any meals, including to the
special events. Due to organization constraints beyond our control, we need
to finalize the number of ordered meals by the end of this week.
Sincerely yours,
The EG2022 organizing team.
Call for Submissions: SIGGRAPH 2022 Posters
Submission Deadline: Tue, 26 April 2022 22:00 +00:00 GMT
The SIGGRAPH Posters program is an interactive forum where students, researchers, artists, enthusiasts, and practitioners present the latest developments and ongoing research. No matter the core concept --whether an art installation, a technical brief, or anything in between--, the ideal Posters submission expresses a novel and applicable idea in a simple, concise, visually appealing manner. There is no need to have a completely finished and polished product as long as the foundation of the work is strong and demonstrative results and initial findings are presented.
Accepted posters will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
Students also are encouraged to submit to the Student Research Competition for the chance to win a prize, be recognized, and progress to the ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finals!
Learn more about the poster track and timeline on the website above. For further questions, please contact posters-s2022(a)siggraph.org<mailto:posters-s2022@siggraph.org>.
Looking forward to your submissions!
Olga Diamanti (SIGGRAPH 2022 Posters Chair)
[SIGGRAPH 2022 Logo]<https://s2022.siggraph.org/>
+43 (316) 873 - 8442 [→]
S2022.SIGGRAPH.ORG<https://s2022.siggraph.org/> [→] <https://s2022.siggraph.org/>