EG STARs 2022
Call for contributions
State-of-the-Art Reports (STARs) provide an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of a special topic of current interest related to Computer Graphics. We welcome submissions on all topics relevant to EUROGRAPHICS, and particularly encourage STARs on topics that have not been covered in any recent edition. STAR reports on cross-sectional, multi-disciplinary areas are also highly welcomed. A STAR can also address the use of Computer Graphics techniques in a different scientific discipline or in industrial practice. For examples of suitable STAR topics, please refer to the EUROGRAPHICS digital library. A list of recent STARs can be found <> here.
Accepted STARs will be published in a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum, which appears right before the EUROGRAPHICS conference. The journal status of the proceedings requires a two-stage review process with conditional acceptance after the first round and final acceptance based on the revised submissions. Submissions needing a major revision will be transferred to the standard submission track of Computer Graphics Forum.
At EUROGRAPHICS 2022, the authors of a STAR will be given 90 minutes to present the report at a level that allows non-experts in the particular domain to follow the presentation.
We do not impose strict maximum lengths for these submissions. However, it is recommended that papers be up to 20 pages excluding references and the authors’ short bios, to conform to the general recommendation for CGF survey papers.
Electronic submissions of STARs are mandatory and will be conducted using the Submission and Review Management System. Papers must be written in English and prepared according to this year's template, which can be found at the <> Submission and Review Management (SRMv2) system. STARs must be formatted according to the Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum guidelines. The publication guidelines and LaTeX templates are available on SRMv2. For any question, please contact us at <> chairs-eg2022stars(a)
EG STARs 2022 Chairs: Daniel Meneveaux, Giuseppe Patanè
October 22, 2021
STAR abstract submission deadline
October 29, 2021
Full STAR submission deadline
December 17, 2021
First review notification
February 11, 2022
Revised STAR submission
March 4, 2022
Second review notification
March 21, 2022
April 8, 2022
Video due
Dear all,
The 14th annual ACM/SIGGRAPH conference on Motion, Interaction and Games (MIG 2021, formerly Motion in Games), an ACM SIGGRAPH Specialized Conferences, held in cooperation with Eurographics, will take place virtually 10th - 12th Nov 2021 and is organized from EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland.
Registration to the conference is now open, and we warmly invite you to do it.
Note that registration fee is only required for the "presenting author" of a paper or poster (early bird up to October the 10th), while others (non presenting author and attendees) can register for free. Still the registration will be requested to follow the talks.
Note that a provisional schedule is also available.
Sincerely, the MIG organization team
Conference Chairs
Ronan Boulic, EPFL
Ludovic Hoyet, Inria Rennes
Program Chairs
Karan Singh, University of Toronto
Damien Rohmer, Ecole Polytechnique, IP Paris
Call for EuroGraphics 2022 Doctoral Consortium Submissions
The Eurographics Doctoral Consortium is a networking event that provides PhD
students, working in all areas of computer graphics, with an excellent
opportunity to present their work and interact with distinguished and
experienced researchers in the field. They will receive feedback and
mentoring, as well as a different perspective from senior researchers
outside their home institution. In addition, the Doctoral Consortium
provides a unique forum for PhD students to share their work and experience
among their fellow PhD students. The Doctoral Consortium will take place
within the Eurographics2022 conference, April 25-29, 2022.
Who should apply?
PhD students working in all areas of computer graphics are encouraged to
apply. We particularly encourage applications from students who are in the
first half of their PhD work, especially those who already have a clear
research direction (possibly with some published results), as they have
sufficient time ahead to profit from their participation in the Doctoral
Consortium. Students who are close to finishing their doctorate degree, or
have very recently finished it, are also welcome to share their experience
and to discuss their ongoing research and future research plans.
The applicants are strongly encouraged to consider submitting a poster of
their work to the poster track in parallel.
February 4th, 2022
Submission deadline
March 4th, 2022
Notification of acceptance
March 28th, 2022
Camera ready submission and video
* All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC
Submission guidelines
Submission website: <>
Eurographics Submission and Review Management (SRM) system.
Template: The format should be in accordance with Eurographics Authors
<> guidelines.
Eligible Doctoral Consortium students who would like to participate in the
Doctoral Consortium should submit the following documents as a single PDF
1. Research Statement: A 3-4 pages extended abstract summarizing their
dissertation research, singly authored by themself. The submissions should
NOT be anonymous. The use of figures is encouraged. This document should
* university doctoral program context in which the work is being
conducted, including starting date and expected graduation date;
* motivation that drives the dissertation research;
* research objectives/questions;
* background and related work that informs the authors research;
* research approach, methodology and proposed experiments (where
* dissertation status and a description of the remaining work;
* current and expected contributions.
The research statement should transcend the scope of a single publication or
project, and instead focus on the general research theme or agenda for the
students PhD thesis.
2. Supervisors letter of support: A one-page signed letter from the PhD
students supervisor, supporting her/his participation in the Doctoral
Consortium, and providing the following information:
* the students status with respect to the institutions PhD
* the expected date of thesis/dissertation defense or graduation;
* why attendance at this Doctoral Consortium would be particularly
beneficial to the student;
* what contributions the student is likely to make to the event if
invited to attend.
3. Curriculum vitae: A 1-2 pages CV plus the list of all publications.
All three documents must be written in English.
Review Process
The review process is single-anonymous. The review and decision of
acceptance will take into account: (1) Quality of the submission (potential
contribution and impact of the research to the field of computer graphics)
and the authors stage of doctoral research; (2) the benefits of the
consortium for the authors PhD research; (3) the authors contribution to
the diversity of topics, backgrounds and profiles that will integrate the
Each accepted author will be paired with a panelist, a senior researcher in
her/his research field, with whom they will be interacting in a one-to-one
All authors of accepted submissions are expected to attend the Doctoral
Consortium, where they will present their work to a panel of experts,
selected by the Doctoral Consortium co-chairs to match at best the topics
related to the accepted submissions.
The doctoral consortium event will be a closed event with only the authors
and the panelists present. The authors will start by presenting their work
(around 10 minutes each) followed by discussion with the panelists and other
authors. Afterwards, there will be time for one-to-one discussions between
each author and their paired panelist.
Eurographics 2022 Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Julie Digne, LIRIS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS, France
Noeska Smit, University of Bergen, Norway
For any questions concerning submissions, please do not hesitate to contact
the doctoral consortium program co-chairs via chairs-eg2022dc(a)
<[EG22-DC-Submission]%20Information> .
Vicomtech Foundation (https:// <> ) is an applied R&D Center located in San Sebastian
(Basque Country, Spain) with over 180 researchers -65 Ph.D.-. Our lines of
technological expertise are Visual Computing & Interaction and Artificial
We are looking for motivated candidates for an interesting and strong
potential position: "Researcher in Simulation and Digital Twins". Selected
candidates will apply most current trends in the aforesaid areas to the
industrial sector, especially to the fabrication or manufacturing subsector.
In particular, we are looking for individuals with string simulation, flow
analysis and quantitative analysis techniques knowledge and expertise. A
background of commercial simulation tools such as Anylogix, Siemens plant
simulation, is a plus and will be positively valued.
The candidate should have a good background related to digital twins. And
fluency in C++ and/or Python or C# with good knowledge in version control
via GIT will be much welcomed.
Candidates must have a proactive attitude towards applied research, showing
both their technical excellency as well as their research vocation, and a
nigh interest and compromise to understand the needs of clients and
partners, and to develop projects with real application and utility. They
will work in teams with other members of Vicomtech, since the centre works
in a collaborative way by nature.
We are looking for the following profile:
* Education: At least M.Sc. in related fields
* Experience: Experience in any related field will be valued.
Experience in European projects (FP7, H2020) or in industrial projects will
be highly valued.
* Languages: English,Spanish also will be valued.
Will be valued:
Doctoral qualification (Ph.D). Candidates about to finish their Ph.D will
also be taken into account. Interest in research and specialized training,
including the chance -not compulsory- of making a Ph.D.
What we are offering:
Being linked to a dynamic, innovative and leading centre in the fields of
Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence, both at national and European
levels, with first line national and international clients.
Should you feel identified, please send us your CV to the following e-mail
address, <> jobs(a), and take advantage
of the possibility of sharing your future with us.
Vicomtech Foundation (https:// <> ) is an applied R&D Center located in San Sebastian
(Basque Country, Spain) with over 180 researchers -65 Ph.D.-. Our lines of
technological expertise are Visual Computing & Interaction and Artificial
We are looking for motivated candidates for an interesting and strong
potential position: "Researcher in Computer Graphics for Industry 4.0
applications". Selected candidates will apply most current trends in
Computer graphics to the industrial sector, especially to the fabrication or
manufacturing subsector. In particular, we are looking for individuals with
strong Computational geometry knowledge and experience to support already
running projects and new initiatives in the making.
The candidate should have a good background and knowledge in CAD systems and
open- source initiatives such as OpenCASCADE and fluency in C++ and/or
Python. Also knowledge of virtual and augmented reality technologies
including software and hardware is much welcomed.
Candidates must have a proactive attitude towards applied research, showing
both their technical excellency as well as their research vocation, and a
nigh interest and compromise to understand the needs of clients and
partners, and to develop projects with real application and utility. They
will work in teams with other members of Vicomtech, since the centre works
in a collaborative way by nature.
We are looking for the following profile:
* Education: At least M.Sc. in related fields
* Experience: Experience in any related field will be valued.
Experience in European projects (FP7, H2020) or in industrial projects will
be highly valued.
* Languages: English,Spanish also will be valued.
Will be valued:
Doctoral qualification (Ph.D). Candidates about to finish their Ph.D will
also be taken into account. Interest in research and specialized training,
including the chance -not compulsory- of making a Ph.D.
What we are offering:
Being linked to a dynamic, innovative and leading centre in the fields of
Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence, both at national and European
levels, with first line national and international clients.
Should you feel identified, please send us your CV to the following e-mail
address, <> jobs(a), and take advantage
of the possibility of sharing your future with us.
Eurographics'2022 - Call for Short Papers
in Reims, April 25-29, 2022,
Authors are invited to submit short papers [4 pages max] that present self-contained, complete, compact works on all areas related to computer graphics, such as rendering, modeling, visualization, animation, simulation, virtual reality, computer vision, computer-aided design, digital fabrication, imaging and computational photography. We particularly invite submissions which present tangible and practically useful improvements to the state of the art, but which are not thematically wide enough to justify an entire full paper. What we would like to see as short papers are individual smart ideas and intriguing findings that might otherwise remain unpublished, due to them standing in isolation – as opposed to falling within the context of some larger scientific endeavour, where they can be easily mentioned in the corresponding publication.
Accepted short papers will be published in the Short Papers digital media proceedings and in the Eurographics Digital Library. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to present their work as an oral presentation at the conference.
December 19, 2021
Submission deadline
February 14, 2022
March 14, 2022
April 8, 2022
Fast-Forward video due
* All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC
Submission details
Submissions will be made electronically through the Eurographics <> Submission and Review Management (SRM) system. Submitted papers must be anonymous, up to 4 pages in length, and formatted according to the Eurographics Author’s guidelines (short papers LaTeX style package available from the <> SRM system).
Authors of accepted papers will present a super short summary or a teaser during a fast-forward session. This presentation will be around 25 seconds (exact length to be decided) and shall be augmented by slides. To ensure a smooth organization, they will be asked to prepare a short video of the slides for this purpose, in two versions: one with the spoken text and one without. These FF presentations will be available on the web throughout the conference. Details will be sent to accepted paper authors.
A submission to the Eurographics Short Papers program should describe an original work of the authors. Authors must not use ideas or content originating from others without properly crediting their original sources. Note that such sources are not limited to peer-reviewed publications but also include patents, textbooks, technical reports, theses, unpublished work posted on arXiv, and other posts on the World Wide Web. Failure to comply with this requirement will be considered plagiarism and result in rejection.
Prior Art
Authors are expected to cite, discuss differences and novelty, and compare results, if applicable, with respect to relevant existing publications, provided they have been published in a peer-reviewed venue.
This also applies to patents, which also undergo a professional reviewing process. But what about technical reports, and other non-peer-reviewed publications, such as technical reports or papers posted on arXiv, which we henceforth refer to as pre-publications? With the rapid progress of search engines and the increased perusal of arXiv papers by the scientific community, asking authors to thoroughly compare their work to these pre-publications imposes an unreasonable burden — a seemingly relevant report that is incomplete in its disclosure or validation might appear online shortly before the deadline. Although peer-reviewed publications are certainly not immune to these shortcomings, they have, at least, been judged sufficiently complete and valid by a group of peers. Consequently, authors are not required to discuss and compare their work with recent pre-publications (arXiv, technical reports, theses, etc.), although they must properly cite those that inspired them (see “Plagiarism” above). Nevertheless, we encourage authors to mention all related works they are aware of as good academic practice dictates. Note that with new works posted on arXiv on a daily basis, it is increasingly likely that reviewers might point out similarities between the submitted work and online reports that have been missed by the authors. In this case, authors of conditionally accepted papers should be prepared to cite these pre-publications in their final revision as concurrent work, without the burden of having to detail how their work compares to or differs from these pre-publications.
Double Submission Policy
By submitting a manuscript to the Eurographics Short Papers program, authors acknowledge that the technical contributions they claim have not been previously published or accepted for publication in another peer-reviewed venue, and that no manuscript substantially similar in content is currently under review. Violations constitute grounds for rejection.
Eurographics’2022 Short Papers Chairs
Nuria Pelechano, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain.
David Vanderhaeghe, IRIT, Université de Toulouse, France.
For any question concerning short paper submissions please contact the short papers program co-chairs: chairs-eg2022shorts(a) <>
At University of Bremen we have an open PhD position (full salary)
in visual computing for an interdisciplinary project with art historians,
funded by the DFG.
Title: The Ornamental Logic of the Rococo - Visual Computing Methods for Digital Analysis of Ornamental Structures
More information:
Please forward to anybody who might be interested.
Best regards,
G. Zachmann
Call for contributions
The Eurographics2022 Tutorials Committee invites you to propose tutorials
teaching the technical background of a given subject or demonstrating its
potential creative applications. Tutorials are intended to show what can be
done, but even more importantly, how this is done and what kind of tools can
be used to do it. In a proposal for a tutorial, you should consider that
tutorial attendees come from diverse backgrounds, ranging from research and
development to education and application.
We are soliciting half-day and full-day tutorial proposals at the beginning,
intermediate, or advanced level in all areas pertinent to Computer Graphics.
Half-day tutorials are about three hours, plus a coffee break in the middle.
Full-day tutorials are twice that long, plus two coffee breaks and a longer
lunch break. Full-day tutorials should be motivated by sufficient scientific
material. Tutorial proposals are about 4-5 pages in length, clearly
indicating the audience that is addressed as well as the syllabus of
instruction. They will be reviewed by the tutorial chairs, supported by
external reviewers. The final selection will be based on the quality of the
submission, qualification of the presenters, relevance to the conference
topics, and balance of topics.
Digital support of accepted tutorials will be made available to every
Eurographics registered participant and will also be included in the
Eurographics digital library. Eurographics does not require copyright for
the tutorial notes it publishes. The tutorial speakers may reuse their
material freely. For each accepted tutorial, one free registration is
provided per half-day of that tutorial.
November 14, 2021 Submission of full tutorial proposals
December 20, 2021 Acceptance/rejection notification
March 27, 2022 Submission of final materials (see course notes
* All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC
Tutorial proposals (in PDF) should be submitted by using the
<> Eurographics Submission
and Review Management (SRMv2).
The submitted proposals should contain the following information:
Presenter(s) details:
* Name(s)
* Institution(s)
* Email address(es)
* URL(s)
Tutorial details:
* Title of the tutorial
* Keywords
* Half or full-day tutorial (either 2×90 minutes or 4×90 minutes)
* A detailed outline of the tutorial.
* A statement on the necessary background and potential target
audience for the tutorial.
* A brief resume of the presenter(s) indicating their background in
the area the tutorial addresses.
* If a (similar) tutorial was previously held, indicate the location
(i.e., which conference), date, and the number of attendees. Please provide
information highlighting changes, improvements, and/or why the tutorial
should be held again in this form.
Sample course notes, although not required in the submission, are highly
encouraged to accompany the tutorial proposals. Notes may include original
text, formatted according to the Eurographics publication guidelines,
reprints of earlier papers (subject to copyright approval), slides, videos,
software, datasets, and any other material the authors consider useful. The
acceptance of tutorial proposals is contingent upon the final submission of
complete course notes. Upon acceptance of the tutorial, additional material
should be submitted using the same link in the SRM system as for submitting
the proposal.
All course notes of accepted tutorials will be distributed to conference
participants electronically.
Stefanie Hahmann, LJK-INRIA, Grenoble INP, France
Gustavo Patow, ViRVIG-UdG, Universitat de Girona, Spain
For any questions concerning tutorial submissions please contact the
tutorial co-chairs: chairs-eg2022tut(a) <>
Dear friends and colleagues,
At the Chair of Computer Graphics at the Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology/Germany we have a fully funded PhD student position in the
area of realtime raytracing acceleration structures for next generation
mobile GPUs. Our goal is to develop prototypes of robust, efficient and
compact data structures with a later hardware implementation in mind
(which is carried out by the industry partner).
Applicants should hold a Master degree in computer science, visual
computing, applied mathematics, or a related field. The ideal candidates
will have experience in one or more of the following subject areas:
computer graphics, optimization/low-level aspects of (parallel)
algorithms and data structures, strong programming skills, and fun in
pushing the limits.
Please forward this announcement to potentially interested candidates,
I'm happy to answer questions and provide more details on the project.
Thank you!
Carsten Dachsbacher
Dear Visual Computing Researchers,
this years purely online Symposium on Vision, Modeling and Visualization
( organized from Dresden, Germany on Mo 27
& Tue 28th of September has free registration and features
- four paper sessions and three keynotes by Tim Dwyer, Martin Marinov and
Siyu Tang,
- strategy workshop with breakout sessions on Visual Computing for Future,
- social event with live concert, as well as
- best paper and quiz based participation award.
Please register ( until this
Friday 24th of September.
Best wishes
Stefan Gumhold (General Chair)
Björn Andres, Marcel Campen, Michael Sedlmair (Program Chairs)