We are seeking original contributions for presentation and publication in
the EG2022 education track. We wish to build and enhance a vibrant
community of Computer Graphics teachers who share their knowledge and
experience of bringing computer graphics to the classroom and getting others
excited about the field.
The scope of the track includes topics in education related to computer
graphics, computer graphics in education, teaching/classroom experience
related to computer graphics content, assignments and outstanding student
projects in computer graphics. We invite authors to submit papers, panels
and student projects related to the following topics:
- Teaching Computer Graphics to diverse audiences (e.g. computer science,
engineering, arts);
Designing curricula for Computer Graphics and related disciplines (e.g.
image processing, visualization, animation and games);
- Designing and teaching online and hybrid courses in computer graphics;
- Classroom challenges in computer graphics (e.g. innovative and effective
assessment, engaging student interest, managing diverse student backgrounds,
teaching mathematical foundations);
- Enabling and exploiting visual tools and techniques to teach in other
- Incorporating modern technology in Computer Graphics courses (e.g. VR, AR,
3D printing);
- Bringing Computer Graphics research into the classroom;
- Promoting undergraduate research in Computer Graphics;
- Special interest this year: we are looking for experiences in presenting
Computer Graphics to first years students in order to enroll more students
during later courses.
Proposals for education panels should be emailed directly to the education
papers co-chairs at chairs-eg2022edu(a) <>
The best papers will be recommended to the editors of prestigious journals
in the field, Computer Graphics Forum, Computers and Graphics, and IEEE
Computer Graphics & Applications, who may invite the authors of these papers
to submit extended versions to their journals. The best assignments may be
published in the
6%2FXImCfLoHkoH9%2FustmLKFBWw%3D&reserved=0> CGEMS.
- Education papers and experience reports should provide new insights or
experience that improve student learning and emphasize on how instructors
can directly use them in the classroom.
- Proposals for panels should state the problem and include a short
statement from proposed panelists.
- Assignments should explain the assignment; provide examples of handouts
and starter code and example student work. Authors may provide them as
supplementary materials during submission, and agree to provide access to
them online upon acceptance.
- Outstanding student projects (individual or group) should describe the
learning context for the project and show how the student(s) brought
creativity to the work. Upon acceptance, authors are expected to demonstrate
the project during their presentation.
January 24, 2022 Submission deadline
February 28, 2022 Notification to authors
March 21, 2022 Camera-ready
* All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC
Anonymous submissions of up to 8 pages for education papers, 4 pages for
effective assignments or up to 2 pages for notes on assignments or
outstanding student projects, must be formatted according to the
Eurographics Authors guidelines
m4jeYqtL6Hvohx9qAqTNKaDt%2Bomr8XKc2QLhUACw%3D&reserved=0> ). Submissions
will be made electronically through the Eurographics
BhlJNRD8YxM%2BHvfk1JJs5b1mm8w%3D&reserved=0> Submission and Review
Management system (
OMh8CCIoWjUjgrH1ya%2FHD8Tjqp4%3D&reserved=0> ) and subject to a review
Jean-Jacques Bourdin, Université Paris 8, France
Eric Paquette, École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Canada
Contact: chairs-eg2022edu(a) <>
AIGraphics Workshop - Call for Papers, 20.-22. April 2022. The workshop will be held online.
The AIGraphics workshop aims to stimulate dialog between international researchers and practitioners working on artificial intelligence approaches in computer graphics in order to leveraging new ideas for future developments in the field of intelligent graphics.
We welcome your contributions on novel ideas and techniques in artificial intelligence in the context of computer graphics, e.g. deep learning in texture generation, new rendering techniques and shape generation/processing/description as well as AI supported human interaction and more. Please submit your contributions by 23. January 2022.
All submissions will go through a double-blind peer-review process. Accepted papers will be published open access and authors are invited to present their contributions at the online workshop.
We hope you take advantage of this opportunity to exchange your ideas with international researchers in this exciting field of research and are looking forward to your contributions.
Please feel free to contact us if you need additional information.
Kind regards,
Torsten Ullrich and Ursula Augsdörfer
Dear colleagues,
We have a vacancy for assistant professor in our visualization cluster at
TU/e for data visualization researchers looking for an academic career, see:
Just apply if it sounds interesting to you, and we appreciate it much if you
can distribute this vacancy to potential candidates.
Thank you very much in advance,
Anna Vilanova and Jack van Wijk (part-time retired)
Anna Vilanova
Professor Visual Analytics. Visualization Cluster
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
TU Eindhoven
T +31 (0)40 247 8333
<> a.vilanova(a)
De Zaale, Metaforum MF 7.093
PO Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven
Dear colleagues,
The *EuroVis PhD Award* recognizes outstanding dissertations in academic research and development covering topics relevant to visualization. The intent of this award is to recognize excellent young researchers in their early career and to highlight visualization research.
All dissertations by PhD researchers from the European visualization community (e.g., through contributions to the EuroVis conference) that were defended and awarded a doctoral degree between Jan 1, 2020 and Dec 31, 2021 are eligible for the 2022 competition.
The PhD researcher's advisor should email the nomination package to eurovis-phd-award(a)<> ; it should contain:
- A nomination letter written by the advisor including the name, email address, CV and publication list of the candidate, the dates when the dissertation was defended and when the degree was awarded, and a one-page summary of the significance of the dissertation.
- The PDF of the dissertation (or a download link).
- Optional additional letters of recommendation can also be attached.
Deadline for nominations is January 31, 2022. See also
Feel free to contact me through eurovis-phd-award(a)<> in case of questions.
Best regards
Thomas Ertl (committee chair)
The IEEE VIS 2022 Papers Chairs Committee (PCC) invites qualified
applicants to volunteer for the Program Committee (PC) for the IEEE VIS
2022 Full Papers program!
This call is oriented towards volunteers who have not served as a PC
member in the past – past PC members do not need to submit this form to
be considered again. Even though volunteering does not guarantee a spot
on the PC, all volunteers will be considered with great interest and
The IEEE VIS 2022 PCC will consider several factors when selecting PC
members. At an absolute minimum, PC members should have a PhD degree (or
equivalent), have published at least one full paper at VIS, and have
reviewed at least one full paper for VIS (VIS includes the VAST,
InfoVis, and SciVis conferences).
Key factors that the PCC will consider include:
* papers published at VIS and related venues
* reviewing experience at VIS and related venues
* achieved academic degree in our field
* previous PC experience for related venues
* areas of expertise
You can volunteer to become a PC member for IEEE VIS 2022 by filling out
the form at
The volunteering period closes on January 31, 2022.
We look forward to receiving many submissions!
Best regards,
IEEE VIS 2022 Papers Chairs Committee (PCC)
[ Apologies for cross-posting. ]
Dear Colleagues,
we would like to invite you to submit a paper to the Workshop on
"Visualization in Environmental Sciences" (EnvirVis).
The workshop is a co-located event to EUROVIS 2022, the European Conferences
on Graphics and Visualization, held in Rome, Italy, on June 13, 2022.
The EnvirVis-Workshop aims to bring together researchers in the area of
visualization of geo-scientific, environmental, atmospheric, or climate data
to present and discuss recent developments in the field.
The workshop "Visualization in Environmental Sciences" invites both
contributions in the fields of scientific visualization and visual data
integration with a broad application area in environmental research. The
proposed scope includes, but is not limited to, the following areas of
* Climate research, atmospheric modeling, meteorology
* Geology, geography, geophysics
* Soil and groundwater research
* Lake, coastal and ocean research
* Energy resources and waste management
* Land use research
* Biodiversity and ecosystem services
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: March 04, 2022
Final Decisions: April 6, 2022
Camera Ready Versions Due: April 27, 2022
Workshop: June 13, 2022
Paper Submission:
Papers must be written in English and should have a length of 4 to 8 pages.
Submission instructions as well as a LaTeX2e style can be found at the
workshop website.
Papers will be published online at the Eurographics Digital Library.
Workshop Chairs:
Soumya Dutta, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Kathrin Feige, German Weather Service, Offenbach, Germany
Karsten Rink, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany
Dirk Zeckzer, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany
For further and updated information please see the workshop web page
Best regards
Soumya Dutta, Kathrin Feige, Karsten Rink and Dirk Zeckzer
EnvirVis Co-Chairs
We invite submission of high-quality short papers that will set the standard and stimulate future trends in the field of visualization and visual analytics. Accepted papers will be published the Eurographics Digital Library. All accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference. EuroVis 2022 ( ) will be held in Rome, Italy on June 13-17, 2022.
A EuroVis short paper describes a more focused and concise research contribution and is likely to have a smaller — yet still significant — scope of contribution than a full paper. Short papers draw from the same paper types as full papers, as well as the same list of suggested topics. The following descriptive examples, which are characterized in contrast to full papers, may be helpful in understanding what kinds of submissions may be suitable for short papers:
• A new visualization technique or system and evidence of its utility compared to known techniques or systems (described in sufficient detail to assist an expert reader in replicating the technique or system, but without exhaustive implementation detail and evaluation).
• An incremental improvement or variation of an existing visualization technique or system with convincing evaluation.
• An extensive evaluation of an existing visualization technique or system.
• A well-proven counter-example to an existing visualization technique that helps to understand its limitations.
• A new implementation approach that has demonstrably addressed a significant technical issue (without extensive evaluation of the implementation).
• A new methodology for designing or studying visualization systems that has demonstrable benefits for the EuroVis community (without extensive evaluation of the methodology).
• The practical application of established visualization techniques or a design study that can provide insights for visualization research on which future contributors can build.
Submission deadline: February 28, 2022
Notifications: April 1, 2022
Camera Ready Version: April 15, 2022
All submission deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.
Submissions for the short paper track should be at most 4 pages in CGF latex style<…>, with an additional page allowed for references. All submissions must be original works that have not been published previously in any conference proceedings, magazine, journal, or edited book.
Short papers are to be submitted using the Precision Conference System (PCS)
Short papers will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage process by an international program committee. Short papers will be electronically archived and are fully citable publications. All accepted short papers will be presented orally at the conference.
For detailed paper preparation and submission instructions please refer to the submission guidelines described in .
Marco Agus, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
Wolfgang Aigner, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Thomas Hoellt, TU Delft, Netherlands
For any questions concerning short paper submissions please contact the Short Paper Co-Chairs at shortpapers(a)<> .
For more details please see the EuroVis 2022 website:
Sent from Mail<> for Windows
Dear colleague,
We are inviting applications in all areas of Geometric and Visual
Computing (including Computer Graphics, Animation, GPU Acceleration,
Augmented Reality, Geometry Processing, Solid Modeling, Computational
Geometry, and 3D Printing) for faculty positions to join Sehoon Ha,
Jarek Rossignac, and Greg Turk in the School of Interactive Computing at
the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, USA.
Please consult the official ad (
<>) for application details
and indicate your area as “graphics”.
Please email Prof. Rossignac (jarek(a)
<>) to let him know that you submitted an
application or if you have questions.
Please forward this to colleagues who may be interested.
dear Colleagues,
There are only 5 days left before the deadline for submitting your best image for the Computer Graphics Forum Cover Contest.
It takes only a few minutes to submit.
We are looking for the cover image to appear in all 2022 issues of the Computer Graphics Forum. It should be a striking picture demonstrating creative and/or innovative use of computer graphics technology.
Please upload your exciting and visually appealing image from one of your latest papers through the online form:
We are looking forward to your submissions!
Thanks again to Federico Ponchio <> for coordinating.
Pierre Alliez (fade-in), for Bedrich Benes and Helwig Hauser
CGF Editors in Chief
3D Shape Retrieval Challenge, SHREC2022,
Call for Track Proposals
<> At Eurographics 2022 Symposium on 3D
Object Retrieval, 1-2 September 2022
New since 2020: Full paper submissions will follow a two-stage review
process and will be published in the international journal Computes &
Graphics upon acceptance.
We strongly encourage to consider the graphics replicability stamp
initiative, <>, and to apply for this additional sign of
The general objective of the 3D Shape Retrieval Challenge is to evaluate the
effectiveness of 3D-shape retrieval algorithms. SHREC2022 is the sixteenth
edition of the challenge. Like previous years, it is organized in
conjunction with the Eurographics Symposium on 3D Object Retrieval, where
the results will be reviewed and presented at the symposium.
Thanks to the efforts of previous track organizers, SHREC already provides
many resources to compare and evaluate 3D retrieval methods. For this year's
contest, we aim to explore new and updated tracks. Therefore, the
participants are invited to have an active role in the organization of the
event. This includes proposing track themes, building or acquiring a test
collection, and deciding upon the queries, relevance assessment, and
performance measures.
The participants of each track will collectively write a paper, which will
be peer reviewed, and published in Computers & Graphics upon acceptance. At
least one author per track must register for the symposium, and present the
results. We also cordially invite all participants of a track to register
and attend the workshop.
The tracks organized in the past years have covered different aspects and
tasks of 3D shape retrieval, for example: rigid or non-rigid models; partial
(e.g. range scan) or complete models; sketch-based 3D retrieval; generic or
domain specific models (e.g. CAD, biometrics, architectural and molecular),
and various aspects such as metric learning, outlier detection,
correspondence, robustness, stability, registration, classification,
recognition, pose estimation, and machine learning.
Now we solicit again proposals for tracks. You may opt for one of the above
themes, or propose new ones. Track organizers are responsible for all
aspects of organizing the track, such as: the task, the data collection
(copyright issues, etc.), the queries, the ground truth, the experimental
design, the evaluation method, and the procedural aspects, writing the final
paper in collaboration with the contestants, and submitting it. See below
for examples of previous SHREC editions. We strongly encourage to consider
the graphics replicability stamp initiative,
<>, to
apply for this additional sign of recognition, and to include this in your
track proposal.
The following list is a step-by-step description of the activities:
* Potential track organizers send their proposal to
<> shrec(a), describing the envisioned task,
collection, queries, ground truth, evaluation method, expected number of
participants, and plans to apply for the graphics replicability stamp.
* Promising tracks and their organizers will be listed at the SHREC
web page, the track organizers start working out the details.
* Participants register for the tracks they want to participate in.
* Each track is performed according to its own schedule.
* The track organizers collect the results.
* The track results are combined into a joint paper. Papers are
subject to peer review, accepted journal papers are published in Computers &
* The description of the tracks and their results are presented at the
Eurographics Symposium on 3D Object Retrieval, 1-2 September 2022.
*SHREC Time Schedule*
Important dates
* December 29, 2021: Submission deadline for track proposals.
* December 30, 2021: Notification of acceptance of track proposals.
* December 30, 2021 to March 15, 2022: Each track has its own time
* March 15, 2022: Submission deadline for full paper for review.
* April 15, 2022: First reviews done, first stage decision on
acceptance or rejection.
* May 15, 2022: First revision due.
* June 15, 2022: Second stage of reviews complete, decision on
acceptance or rejection.
* June 30, 2022: Final version submission.
* July 5, 2022: Final decision on acceptance or rejection.
* August 30, 2022: Publication online in Computers & Graphics journal.
* Sept 1-2, 20202: Presentation at the
<> Eurographics Symposium on 3D Object
The individual tracks will have their own time schedule for registration of
participants, release of queries or submission of executables, and
submission of results, etc.
For information about the contest, the results, etc. of previous years, see
past events:
2021 <> SHREC 2020
<> SHREC 2019
<> SHREC 2018,
<> SHREC 2017,
<> SHREC 2016,
<> SHREC 2015, SHREC
2014 <> , SHREC 2013
For more information, please contact <>
<> R.C.Veltkamp(a),
Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University,
Center for Game Research, <>