Dear Colleagues,
We are happy to announce an open call for submissions to the Computers and
Graphics Journal (C&G)
<> Special Section
on Molecular Graphics and Visual Analysis of Molecular Data. We invite
original research, system, and survey papers that summarize and expand the
state of the art in visualization and computer graphics with a strong focus
on applications to molecular data.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 31.1.2021
First decision notification: 28.2.2021
Final decision notification: 30.4.2021
We solicit several types of submissions:
Journal paper submissions presenting original work within the scope
described below.
Survey papers discussing the state-of-the-art topics relevant to MolVA
Workshop ( <>).
Extended and revised versions of full papers, short papers, and surveys
that were accepted only for presentation at the MolVA 2021.
All submissions will be fully peer-reviewed by at least three experts
according to the standards of Computers and Graphics Journal. You can find
the complete author guidelines at…
The papers might be accepted either as journal publications or conference-only
publications. The journal publications will be published directly in
Computers and Graphics journal, while the conference-only papers will be
published in EG Digital Library. The conference-only publications will be
offered to submit an extended version that will undergo another fully
peer-reviewed process and could be still accepted as a journal publication
after the workshop. After the first round of reviews, the authors will be
notified about the track that was selected for their paper based on the
quality of the publication and may choose to retract the paper if they do
not wish to accept it.
Please submit your contribution via Editorial Manager (Deadline: January
31, 2021):
All accepted papers will be presented at MolVA 2021 Workshop
<>, which will be co-located with EuroVis 2021
<> in Zurich, Switzerland. Therefore, at least one
of the authors of an accepted paper will have to register and attend
(possibly virtually) the workshop.
Suggested topics for papers include, but are not limited to:
Molecular Graphics & Rendering
Web-based Molecular Graphics & Visualization
Immersive Analytics approaches using, e.g., VR/AR technologies
Visual Analysis of Molecular Data (e.g., molecular structures,
biological networks and pathways, or omics data)
Visualization of Dynamic Molecular Data & Large Molecular Systems
Machine-learning approaches for analysis of molecular data
Tools papers describing new molecular visualization tools or novel
features in existing tools
Best regards,
Jan Byška, Michael Krone, Björn Sommer
CaG Guest Editors
MolVA 2021 Organizing Committee
Please distribute! Thank you!
Call for Projects and Labs Submissions
EUROGRAPHICS'2021 in Vienna, Austria, May 3-7, 2021, <> ---> enjoy Vienna !
In the context of the 42nd edition of the Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics, projects and labs have the chance to highlight innovative trends and achievements to the most prominent scientific and industrial community in Computer Graphics.
Increase visibility of your project results and make your lab activities known at EG’2021 on topics related (but not limited) to:
* shape modeling, repairing and resampling,
* shape segmentation and retrieval,
* rendering,
* visualization,
* computational photography,
* computational imaging,
* image processing,
* digital fabrication and 3D printing,
* human-computer interaction,
* animation,
* virtual and augmented reality,
* applications of Computer Graphics (biomedical, environmental, artistic, cultural heritage, and others)
To present your projects and/or your lab at EG’2021 and get the best possible interaction with the conference participants, we offer a Virtual Exposition booth
The Virtual Exposition Space includes:
* Five-minutes presentation slot during the EG’2021 conference
* Virtual desk and chair in an online session (probably in
Submission Details for EG’2021 Projects and Labs Presentation
The submission should not exceed 2 pages (in PDF format) and should include the following details:
* Project/Lab name and acronym (if any)
* Coordinator/responsible name and affiliation
* Involved partners/participants
* Objectives
* Short description of activities
* Results
The submission should be sent by email to the EG’2021 Projects and Labs Chairs chairs-eg2021pl(a) <>
Important Dates & Submission for EG’2021 Projects and Labs Presentation
* The deadline for submission is January 31, 2021.
* Decision about acceptance will be notified on March 4, 2021.
EG’2021 Projects and Labs Chairs
Ursula Augsdörfer, TU Graz, Austria
Reinhold Preiner, TU Graz, Austria
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further details and clarifications: chairs-eg2021pl(a) <>
EUROGRAPHICS'2021 Calls are open now -> May 3-7, 2021, online ! ---> enjoy virtual Vienna!
sponsored by Eurographics, VRVis, Adobe, Disney, KAUST, Snap, GritWorld
/We apologize for multiple messages/
This is to invite you to participate in the following track of "SHREC'21 -
3D Shape Retrieval Contest 2021" (
SHREC'21 track: Retrieval and classification of protein surfaces equipped
with physical & chemical properties
The aim of this SHREC'21 track is to evaluate the performance of retrieval
and classification algorithms for protein surfaces characterized by
physicochemical properties. Starting from a set of protein structures in
different conformational states observed via NMR experiments and deposited
in the PDB repository, we build their Solvent Excluded Surface (SES) by the
freely available software NanoShaper and compute some physicochemical
properties on them. The track is jointly organized by IMATI-CNR and the
The dataset will be available on January 15th. Results are required by
February 14th.
For further information see:
or contact: Andrea Raffo (email: andrea.raffo(a) and Ulderico
Fugacci (email: ulderico.fugacci(a)
Best regards,
Andrea Raffo, Ulderico Fugacci
/We apologize for multiple messages/
This is to invite you to participate in the following track of "SHREC'21 -
3D Shape Retrieval Contest 2021" (
SHREC'21 track: Fitting simple geometric primitives on point clouds from CAD
The aim of the track is to evaluate the quality of automatic algorithms for
fitting geometric primitives on CAD models represented as point clouds. The
goal is to identify the number and the type of simple geometric surface
primitives that are present on the surface the CAD model. As simple
primitives we mean the classical surface primitives derived from
constructive solid geometry, i.e., planes, spheres, ellipsoids, tori, cones
and cylinders.
The files of a preliminary set of models (approx. 70) will be available on
January 15h. The point clouds that will be used for the final evaluation
(approx. 30) will be available on January 30th.
Results are required by February 14h.
For further information see:
Contact: chiara.romanengo(a), andrea.raffo(a)
Best regards,
Chiara Romanengo, Andrea Raffo
Computer Graphics Forum Seeks Co-Chief Editor for 2022-2025 Term
The Eurographics association seeks applicants for the position of the
Co-Chief Editor of the Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) journal for a four-year
term starting January 1st, 2022, and lasting until December 31th, 2025.
Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences 2021
(Eurographics Medical Prize)
Submission Deadline: February 12, 2021
Notification: March 26, 2021
Camera-Ready: April 23, 2021
Talk at Conference and Award: June 14-18, 2021
The Eurographics Association organizes a biannual competition, to
acknowledge the contribution of computer graphics and visualization
techniques in medicine and life sciences, and to encourage further
development. Originally called "Eurographics Medical Prize", the competition
was renamed to "Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine" in
2010---in honor of Dirk Bartz, who passed away in March 2010. Dirk Bartz was
a highly recognized and enthusiastic scientist, teacher, and promoter of
Visual Computing in Medicine; furthermore, he was an active member of the
Eurographics Association, and Chair of the EG Medical Prize, in 2007 and
2009. Before, the prize was co-located with the Eurographics Conference.
Since this year, it will be co-located with EuroVis and it is broadened to
include contributions in life sciences.
Submissions to the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine and
Life Sciences 2021 are being invited from researchers and developers, who
can demonstrate that a particular benefit in a medical/life sciences
application has resulted from the use of visual computing technology that
they have produced/developed. We welcome submissions from all areas of
visual computing---examples include the use of new data visualization
techniques, interaction methods, or virtual/augmented environments. Entries
typically summarize a body of research and/or development that has been
conducted over the course of a project, PhD thesis, etc. and weight is put
on demonstrating the medical/life sciences impact of the work.
The top three winning entries of the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing
in Medicine and Life Sciences 2021 will receive a prize and their submission
will be published in the "Short Papers and Medical Prize Awards" digital
media proceedings, and in the EG Digital Library. The judging panel will
select the winning entry, based on its medical/life sciences value, use of
visual computing methods, and novelty. All three winning teams will have an
opportunity to present their results at EuroVis 2021, which means that at
least one author of each winning team must register and attend, to present
the results.
rtz-prize-for-visual-computing-in-medicine/> Hall of Fame documents previous
recipients of the prize.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions will be made electronically through the
<> Precision Conference
Submitted written entries have to be prepared as papers of up to 4 pages (+1
extra page for references) and must be formatted according to the
<> conference template.
The submission of complementary material like videos, demo applications, and
references to additional publications of the authors, theses, etc. is highly
Steffen Oeltze-Jafra, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Renata Georgia Raidou, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
For any question concerning prize submissions please contact the prize
co-chairs at: dbprize(a) <>
International Jury
Beyer, Johanna (Harvard University, US)
Breeuwer, Marcel (Philips Healthcare Best & TU Eindhoven, Netherlands)
Hansen, Christian (University of Magdeburg, Germany)
Hauser, Helwig (University of Bergen, Norway)
Hennemuth, Anja (Charité & Fraunhofer MEVIS, Germany)
Hurter, Christophe (Ecole National de l' Aviation Civile, France)
Kozlikova, Barbora (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
Krone, Michael (University of Tübingen, Germany)
Mayerich, David (University of Houston, US)
Ropinski, Timo (Ulm University, Germany)
Schreiber, Stefanie (University of Magdeburg, Germany)
Streit, Marc (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)
van Elmpt, Wouter (Maastricht University Medical Centre, Netherlands)
Viola, Ivan (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi
Yuan, Xiaoru (Peking University, China)
Call for Doctoral Consortium Submissions
EUROGRAPHICS'2021 in Vienna, Austria, May 3-7, 2021, <> ---> enjoy Vienna !
The Eurographics Doctoral Consortium is a networking event that provides PhD students, working in all areas of computer graphics, with an excellent opportunity to present their work and interact with distinguished and experienced researchers in the field, receiving feedback and mentoring, as well as a different perspective from senior researchers outside their home institution. In addition, the Doctoral Consortium provides a unique forum for PhD students to share their work and experience among their fellow PhD students. The Doctoral Consortium will take place within the Eurographics’2021 conference, to be held in Vienna, May 3-7, 2021.
Who should apply?
PhD students working in all areas of computer graphics are encouraged to apply. We particularly encourage applications from students who are in the first half of their PhD work, especially those who already have a clear research direction (possibly with some published results), as they have sufficient time ahead to profit from their participation in the Doctoral Consortium. Students who are close to finishing their doctorate degree, or have very recently finished it, are also welcome, to share their experience and to discuss their ongoing research and future research plans.
The applicants are strongly encouraged to consider submitting a poster of their work to the poster track in parallel.
January 31, 2021
Submission deadline
March 4, 2021
Notification of acceptance
March 28, 2021
Camera ready submission and video
* All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC
Submission guidelines
Submission website: Eurographics Submission and Review Management (SRM) <> system.
Template: Format should be in accordance with Eurographics Author’s guidelines <> .
Eligible Doctoral Consortium students who would like to participate in the Doctoral Consortium should submit the following documents as a single PDF file:
1. Research Statement: A 3-4 pages extended abstract summarizing their dissertation research, singly authored by themself. The submissions should NOT be anonymous. The use of figures is encouraged. This document should include:
* university doctoral program context in which the work is being conducted, including starting date and expected graduation date;
* motivation that drives the dissertation research;
* research objectives/questions;
* background and related work that informs the author’s research;
* research approach, methodology and proposed experiments (where appropriate);
* dissertation status and a description of the remaining work;
* current and expected contributions.
The research statement should transcend the scope of a single publication or project, and instead focus on the general research theme or agenda for the student’s PhD thesis.
2. Supervisor’s letter of support: A one-page signed letter from the PhD student’s supervisor, supporting her/his participation in the Doctoral Consortium, and providing the following information:
* the student’s status with respect to the institution’s PhD requirements;
* the expected date of thesis/dissertation defense or graduation;
* why attendance at this Doctoral Consortium would be particularly beneficial to the student;
* what contributions the student is likely to make to the event if invited to attend.
3. Curriculum vitae: A 1-2 pages CV plus the list of all publications.
All three documents must be written in English.
Review Process
The review process is single-blinded. The review and decision of acceptance will take into account: (1) Quality of the submission (potential contribution and impact of the research to the field of computer graphics) and the author’s stage of doctoral research; (2) the benefits of the consortium for the author’s PhD research; (3) the author’s contribution to the diversity of topics, backgrounds and profiles that will integrate the Consortium.
All authors of accepted submissions are expected to attend the Doctoral Consortium, where they will present their work to a panel of experts, selected by the Doctoral Consortium co-chairs to match at best the topics related to the accepted submissions.
For this, the authors will prepare a 10 minute long pre-recorded video to present their work. The panelists will then interact with the presenter to discuss their approach and provide constructive advice and suggestions. Social events will be conducted to engage panelists and all presenters to initialize a friendly environment in the community.
Eurographics Doctoral Consortium Chairs
László Szirmay-Kalos, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary
Hsiang-Yun Wu, TU Wien, Austria
Contact: chairs-eg2021dc(a) <>
EUROGRAPHICS'2021 Calls are open now -> May 3-7, 2021, online ! ---> enjoy virtual Vienna!
sponsored by Eurographics, VRVis, Adobe, Disney, KAUST, Snap, GritWorld
Werner Purgathofer TU Wien
Institute of Visual Computing & HC Technology
Favoritenstrasse 9 / 193, 1040 Wien
Tel. +43-1-58801-18655 wp(a) <>
2nd Call for Short Papers
EUROGRAPHICS'2021 in Vienna, Austria, May 3-7, 2021,
<> ---> enjoy
Vienna !
Authors are invited to submit short papers [4 pages max] that present
self-contained, complete, compact works on all areas related to computer
graphics, such as rendering, modeling, visualization, animation, simulation,
virtual reality, computer vision, computer-aided design, digital fabrication
and imaging. We particularly invite submissions which present tangible and
practically useful improvements to the state of the art, but which are not
thematically wide enough to justify an entire full paper. What we would like
to see as short papers are individual smart ideas and intriguing findings
that might otherwise remain unpublished, due to them standing in isolation -
as opposed to falling within the context of some larger scientific
endeavour, where they can be easily mentioned in the corresponding
Accepted short papers will be published in the Short Papers digital media
proceedings and in the Eurographics Digital Library. Authors of accepted
papers will be expected to present their work as an oral presentation at the
December 21, 2020
Submission deadline
February 15, 2021
March 21, 2021
April 12, 2021
Fast-Forward video deadline
* All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC
Submission details
Submissions will be made electronically through the Eurographics
<> Submission and Review
Management (SRM) system. Submitted papers must be anonymous, up to 4 pages
in length, and formatted according to the Eurographics Author's guidelines
(short papers LaTeX style package available from the
<> SRM system).
Authors of accepted papers will present a super short summary or a teaser
during a fast-forward session. This presentation will be around 25 seconds
(exact length to be decided) and shall be augmented by slides. To ensure a
smooth organization, they will be asked to prepare a short video of the
slides for this purpose, in two versions: one with the spoken text and one
without. These FF presentations will be available on the web throughout the
conference. Details will be sent to accepted paper authors.
A submission to the Eurographics Short Papers program should describe an
original work of the authors. Authors must not use ideas or content
originating from others without properly crediting their original sources.
Note that such sources are not limited to peer-reviewed publications but
also include patents, textbooks, technical reports, theses, unpublished work
posted on arXiv, and other posts on the World Wide Web. Failure to comply
with this requirement will be considered plagiarism and result in rejection.
Prior Art
Authors are expected to cite, discuss differences and novelty, and compare
results, if applicable, with respect to relevant existing publications,
provided they have been published in a peer-reviewed venue.
This also applies to patents, which also undergo a professional reviewing
process. But what about technical reports, and other non-peer-reviewed
publications, such as technical reports or papers posted on arXiv, which we
henceforth refer to as pre-publications? With the rapid progress of search
engines and the increased perusal of arXiv papers by the scientific
community, asking authors to thoroughly compare their work to these
pre-publications imposes an unreasonable burden - a seemingly relevant
report that is incomplete in its disclosure or validation might appear
online shortly before the deadline. Although peer-reviewed publications are
certainly not immune to these shortcomings, they have, at least, been judged
sufficiently complete and valid by a group of peers. Consequently, authors
are not required to discuss and compare their work with recent
pre-publications (arXiv, technical reports, theses, etc.), although they
must properly cite those that inspired them (see "Plagiarism" above).
Nevertheless, we encourage authors to mention all related works they are
aware of as good academic practice dictates. Note that with new works posted
on arXiv on a daily basis, it is increasingly likely that reviewers might
point out similarities between the submitted work and online reports that
have been missed by the authors. In this case, authors of conditionally
accepted papers should be prepared to cite these pre-publications in their
final revision as concurrent work, without the burden of having to detail
how their work compares to or differs from these pre-publications.
Double Submission Policy
By submitting a manuscript to the Eurographics Short Papers program, authors
acknowledge that the technical contributions they claim have not been
previously published or accepted for publication in another peer-reviewed
venue, and that no manuscript substantially similar in content is currently
under review. Violations constitute grounds for rejection.
Eurographics'2021 Short Papers Chairs
Holger Theisel, University of Magdeburg, Germany
Michael Wimmer, TU Wien, Austria
For any question concerning short paper submissions please contact the short
papers program co-chairs: <>
EUROGRAPHICS'2021 Calls are open now -> May 3-7, 2021, online ! ---> enjoy virtual Vienna!
sponsored by Eurographics, VRVis, Adobe, Disney, KAUST, Snap, GritWorld
Dear colleagues,
The *EuroVis Young Researcher Award* [1][2] is given each year to one young researcher in the field who has already made a significant contribution to visualization in general and more specifically to the European visualization community (e.g., through outstanding scientific contributions to the EuroVis conference [3]. The intent of this award is to recognize people early on in their career who have already made a notable contribution and are likely to make more.
Nominations: Members of the visualization research community may nominate individuals for the EuroVis Young Researcher Award by contacting the awards chair, Eduard Gröller (groeller(a) Candidates to the EuroVis Young Researcher Award 2021 must have finished their PhD in 2015 or later. Deadline for nominations is *January, 15th 2021* [4].
Eduard Gröller
EuroVis Young Researcher Award Chair
[4] People who have been nominated in the past do not need to be re-nominated again as their nomination will be rolled over.
Save the Date: EUROGRAPHICS'2021!! 3-7 May, 2021
Eduard Groeller
TU Wien
(DVR: 0005886)
Dear Colleagues,
The deadline is getting close! You still have a chance to submit your
contributions to the 2021 edition of the Computer Graphics Forum Cover
We are looking for the cover image to appear on 2021 issues of Computer
Graphics Forum.
Please send your interesting and visually appealing image from one of your
latest papers.
We are looking forward to your submissions!
Thanks again to Federico Ponchio for coordinating.
Bedrich Benes and Helwig Hauser
CGF Editors in Chief