Research Positions: Research Centre on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies - Team Leaders of Multidisciplinary Research Groups
No. of Positions: Five (5) full-time
Positions Category: Employment contract
Location: Research Centre on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies, Nicosia, Cyprus
The Research Centre on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies announces 5 full-time positions for Senior Researchers - Team Leaders for Multidisciplinary Research Groups (MRG). The Research Centre is an equal opportunity employer. MRG PIs will be employed full-time and based in the premises of the Centre. The positions are open to everyone, internationally.
The Research Centre on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies, is a newly founded research Centre in Cyprus aiming to become an internationally renowned Centre of excellence and innovation empowering knowledge and technology transfer in the region. It is a joint venture between the Municipality of Nicosia, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics (Germany), the University College London (UK) and the three public universities of Cyprus - University of Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology, and Open University of Cyprus. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017 (Teaming Phase 2) under grant agreement No. 739578, as well as from the Cypriot Government, local and international partners and other sponsors.
The Research focus is on interactive media. Interactive media have become an integral part of our lives, changing the way that information is conveyed to the user and the ways users interact with devices, with other people, and with the world around them. Research in the Centre integrates the Visual Sciences, Human Factors & Design, and Communications & Artificial Intelligence, in a tight synergy that provides a unique interdisciplinary research perspective that emphasizes an “Inspired by Humans, Designed for Humans” philosophy. The Centre is designed to act as an integrator of academic research and industrial innovation, towards the sustainable fueling of the scientific, technological, and economic growth of Cyprus and Europe. For further information about the Centre, please visit <> .
The opportunity to create a Multidisciplinary Research Groups (MRG) within the Centre will be assessed according to the expertise of the Team Leader, the MRG’s potential impact (both research and socioeconomic), synergy with other RTDI activities and MRGs ( <> of the Centre, and its likelihood of being able to become financially self-sustaining in the longer term.
The Research Centre on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies wishes to receive applications for Team Leaders of MRGs in areas relating to Interactive Media, including the following areas:
1. iNicosia (relevant to the Centre’s flagship project as described below)
2. Augmented Reality
3. Data Analysis and Visualization
4. Interactive (Human-In-The-Loop) Machine Learning
5. Virtual Humans
6. User Experience/Interaction Design
7. Imaging/Computer Vision
8. Applied Cognition/Neuroscience (with research interest in interactive technologies)
9. 3D printing/Fabrication
10. Wearable Computing
11. Other areas -- relevant to Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies
One of the five positions will be reserved for an MRG leader who will take responsibility for the first flagship project of the Centre, the “iNicosia”. Under the project “iNicosia” interactive media and computing systems are considered as being embedded in the geographical situation where the services they provide are located. That is, rather than considering computing as a pervasive service, or facilities that are accessed through an intangible cloud, we make infrastructure, people and geography a key resource. This extends the topic of smart cities, considering alternate geographical situations and also the social and political context of use.
The Centre will seed fund the salaries of the scientific personnel of each MRG which include the Team Leader heading it, as well as 2 junior researchers. MRGs will also have additional allowance for equipment, travelling and visiting the Advanced Partners.
Initially, a 3-year contract will be offered to the Team Leader with potential renewal for another 2 years. Team leaders will undergo yearly performance assessment related to their research activity and operations (towards contributing in the Centre’s Key Performance Indicators).
The salary depends on the Team Leader’s qualifications and experience. The annual gross salary for full time employment, will be in the range €44.000- €78.000, depending on the candidate’s qualifications and expertise.
>From the above amounts, employee contributions to the various governmental funds will be deducted. The positions do not include medical insurance coverage. Maternity leave will be granted based on Social Insurance Laws from 1980 until 2012.
The successful Team Leaders will have the funding for recruiting 2 junior researchers for their MRGs, for a period of 3 years.
The Team Leader will manage the MRG and mentor the junior researchers, guiding all RTDI activities within their proposed MRG.
The Team Leader and his/her team will have the opportunity to conduct applied research within their proposed area of interest as well as to establish synergies with other RTDI activities of the Centre and other MRGs ( <> They will have the ability and responsibility to secure additional funding through any of their RTDI activities (e.g. national and EU research funding, industry collaborations, and joint IP exploitation, etc.), which will enable them to increase their personnel and extend their life beyond the initial period of 3 years. Outstanding and sustained quality of research outputs is expected by the MRGs and their Team Leaders.
Team Leaders and their teams will have to participate in the Centre’s operations (e.g., committees etc.) and have contribution to tasks/deliverables of H2020-Teaming-RISE project. Also Team leaders (and their teams) will need to have full-time physical presence at the Centre. Team Leaders will undergo yearly performance assessment related to their research activity and operations (towards contributing in the Centre’s Key Performance Indicators).
* PhD degree in a relevant field (e.g. Interactive Media, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Virtual Reality, Neuroscience, Psychology, Digital Sociology, Museum Studies, Educational Technology, Information Technology, Design, Human Computer Interaction, Physics, Mathematics) from an accredited institution
* International postdoctoral experience will be a plus
* Excellent knowledge of both spoken and written English language
* Previous research experience and high impact research publications
* Previous relevant industrial/applied-research experience
* Previous grant-writing experience
Interested candidates should submit the following items online at JOTFORM: <>
1. Cover letter which clearly specifies availability date for full time employment of the Team Leader.
2. A proposal for the MRG (up to five pages long), outlining the MRG planning for the next 3 years, including group composition, foreseen instrumentation to be required, and expected activity (highlighting innovation-driven activities) that will enable the group to increase its personnel and extend its life beyond the initial period of 3 years. The proposal must include how the research focus of the proposed MRG is aligned with the Centre’s focus.
3. Short summary of research interests and achievements of the Team Leader (2 pages max).
4. CV (including contact details and complete list of publications).
5. Copies of degree certificates (BSc./MSc., PhD).
6. Three most important publications with full bibliographic citations.
7. Contact details of three referees, either all academics or two academics and one from the industry. The candidate is responsible for asking the referees to send a recommendation letter at vacancies(a) by the deadline for applications.
The deadline for applications is 16th of December 2018.
For general inquiries, applicants may contact the Research Director of Research Centre on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies at vacancies(a) .
>> Call for Papers and Conference Announcement >> WSCG 2019
WSCG 2019 (held annually since 1992) 27. Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2019 – main page of WSCG – WSCG 2019 page
When: May 27 – 31, 2019
Where: Primavera Congress Center, Pilsen (the City of Beer),
close to Prague, Czech Republic
approx. 70 mins. from the Prague Airport by public transport
> Proposals for workshops and special session are welcome.
Important dates:
>> WSCG 2019
27. Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2019
Submission: Workshops/Special sessions proposals - Decemeber 15, 2018
January 31, 2019 - Abstract,
February 11, 2019 - Full, Short, Poster papers
Proceedings will be published in Computer Science Research Notes (ISSN 2464-4617).
The best selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG (ISSN 1213-6972).
Recent publications available via - repository since 1992.
Contact: skala(a) subject: WSCG 2019
Organizer & Chair
prof. Vaclav Skala
c/o University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Univerzitni 8 CZ 30614 Plzen, Czech Republic
Announcement sent via: skala(a)
Main topics (but not limited to)
Computer graphics
Scientific visualization
Medical visualization
Computer vision
Image processing
Pattern recognition
GPU graphics
Rendering and animation
Virtual reality
Haptic systems
Medical imaging
Graphical human computer interfaces
Graphical interaction
Computational photography
Data compression for graphics
Image based rendering
Physically based modelling
Mathematical methods for graphics and vision Geometric modelling Shape analysis Shape modelling Shape retrieval Surface and volume parameterization Parallel graphics CAD, CAGD and GIS systems
Prof.Vaclav Skala
tel. 37-763-2473
c/o University of West Bohemia
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Dept.of Computer Science & Engineering
Univerzitni 8
CZ 306 14 Plzen
Czech Republic
Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to announce the 2019 edition of the Computer Graphics Forum
Cover Contest.
Entries are due November 30, 2018. The full announcement and submission site
can be found at:
We are looking for the cover image to appear on 2019 issues of Computer
Graphics Forum. Thanks again to Federico Ponchio for coordinating.
Why don't you send us an interesting image from one of your latest papers?
We are looking forward to your submissions!
Bedrich Benes and Min Chen
CGF Editors in Chief
Call for contributions
EUROGRAPHICS 2019: the 40th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics <>
Venue: Magazzini del Cotone, Genova, Italy
Date: 6-10 May, 2019 <>
Organised by IMATI CNR <>
Conference Honorary Chair: Bianca Falcidieno IMATI-CNR, Italy
Conference Co-Chairs: Franca Giannini, Marina Monti, Michela Spagnuolo IMATI-CNR, Italy
Full Paper Chairs: Pierre Alliez, INRIA, France Fabio Pellacini, University La Sapienza, Roma, Italy
The Eurographics '19 is a <> unique platform for the computer graphics community to showcase latest techniques and educational work, and to explore new trends and ideas. The following calls are still open for submission:
Short papers
Deadline Dec. 14, 2018
Short papers [4 pages max] should present self-contained, complete, compact works on all areas related to computer graphics. Short papers will be published in the Short Papers digital media proceedings and in the Eurographics Digital Library.
Education Papers
Deadline Jan. 11, 2019
Education papers include topics in education related to computer graphics, computer graphics in education, teaching/classroom experience related to computer graphics content, assignments and outstanding student projects in computer graphics. We invite authors to submit papers, panels and student projects.
Co-located Workshops
Deadline Jan. 14, 2019
EG2019 Workshops should focus on topics relevant to the Eurographics researchers and offer a forum for discussion.
ThinkTank Workshops
Deadline Feb. 4, 2019
For the first year, EUROGRAPHICS2019 will host the new track EG2019 Think Tank, as special sessions of the EG2019 Program. Each EG2019 Think Tank is intended to promote discussion around emerging topics challenges in Computer Graphics, welcoming ideas that arise from the cross-fertilization among different fields such as Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Geometric Modelling, Virtual & Augmented Reality, CAD. Topics for a Think Tank session can also be suggested by Applications of Computer Graphics.
Doctoral Consortium
Deadline Feb. 8, 2019…
The Eurographics Doctoral Consortium is a networking event that provides PhD students, working in all areas of computer graphics, with an excellent opportunity to present their work and interact with distinguished and experienced researchers in the field, receiving feedback and mentoring, as well as a different perspective from senior researchers outside their home institution.
Deadline Feb. 18, 2019
Posters [2 pages max] should presentation recent results, work in progress, new ideas and other smaller projects which may be of interest to the general community, but which are still too speculative or incomplete.
Projects and Labs presentations & exhibition
Deadline Feb. 26, 2019
It offers a unique opportunity to increase visibility of your lab activities or project results related to application and enhancement of computer-graphics methods and technologies.
Industrial presentations & exhibition
Deadline Feb. 26, 2019…
Industrials organisations from national and international gaming, visualization, and virtualization companies and/or the computer graphics provider industry are invited to present and show their technologies to the best researchers, professionals and students in the field.
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Computer Graphics at the University of Cambridge
The University of Cambridge is recruiting a new faculty member (Lecturer or
Senior Lecturer, equivalent to a US Assistant Professor) in the broad area
of Computer Graphics, including content acquisition, geometric processing,
animation, simulation, rendering and hardware.
Further information here:
Call for contributions
Eurographics 2019: Education Papers
We are seeking original contributions for presentation and publication in
the EG2019 education track. We wish to build and enhance a vibrant community
of Computer Graphics educators who share their knowledge and experience of
bringing computer graphics to the classroom and getting others excited about
the field. The scope of the track includes topics in education related to
computer graphics, computer graphics in education, teaching/classroom
experience related to computer graphics content, assignments and outstanding
student projects in computer graphics.
Details can be found on the website of the conference:
Anonymous submissions of up to 8 pages for education papers, 4 page for
effective assignments or up to 2 pages for notes on assignments or
outstanding student projects, must be formatted according to the
Eurographics Authors guidelines. Submissions will be made electronically
through the
Eurographics <> and subject to
a review process. Proposals for education panels should be emailed directly
to the education papers co-chairs at <>
January 11, 2019 Submission deadline
February 11, 2019 Notification to authors
March 8, 2019 Camera-ready
* All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC
Eurographics Education Papers Chairs
Contact: <>
Marco Tarini, University of Milano, CNR, Italy
Eric Galin, Université Lyon 1, LIRIS CNRS, France
Post-Doctoral Positions at Computational Media Innovation Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
The new Computational Media Innovation Centre in Wellington, New Zealand, has two open positions for Postdoctoral Research Fellows.…
We are looking for people who have:
· PhD in Computer Science or a related field.
· Strong background in computational media, computer graphics, virtual and augmented reality, computer vision and machine learning.
· Demonstrated understanding of the research process.
· Demonstrated experience with successful development of novel research outcomes.
· Excellent software programming skills.
· Ability to work as part of a team.
· Ability to work with international and industry collaborators
· Demonstrated ability to direct and present their own work, and to work in an organised and structured manner.
· Experience in writing scientific reports and papers.
This is a full-time, 1-3 year fixed-term position.
For further information, please contact Siyun Thompson, Center Manager of CMIC at:
Siyun.Thompson(a) <>
Applications close: 4 November 2018
More details and an application form here:
Call for EG2019 Workshops
The Eurographics 2019 Workshop Chairs invite proposals for workshops co-located with Eurographics 2019 (, which will take place from May 6-10 in Genoa, Italy. EG2019 Workshops should focus on topics relevant to the Eurographics researchers and offer a forum for discussion. The Eurographics 2019 Workshop Chairs will support the organization of Workshops traditionally co-located with previous Eurographics Conferences and the proposal of new workshops, which promote the presentation of research results on traditional and emerging challenges in Computer Graphics, on related topics and applications.
Accepted workshops will take place on May 5-6, 2019 in Genova, Italy.
Submission Details for EG2019 Workshops
The Workshop proposal should not exceed 4 pages in EG Style (including CFP) and should include the following details:
● Title & Abstract
● Relevance and significance of this workshop to the main conference
● A short history of the workshop, if not being offered for the first time
● Length: Full day or half day
● Short bio of the workshop organizers
● Estimated paper submissions and paper acceptance rate
● Expected number of participants
For any information/update about this Call, please
● visit the EG2019 Workshop subsection:
● contact the EG2019 Workshops Chairs: chairs-eg2019ws(a) <>
For further information and support for the Workshop organization (i.e., logistics, rooms, equipment, fees), please contact Giuseppe Patane’ (patane(a) <> ).
Important Dates & Submission for EG2019 Workshops
● Proposal Submission Deadline: January 14, 2019
● Notification of Acceptance: January 21, 2019
● Submissions emails: chairs-eg2019ws(a)
Each accepted workshop will be responsible for deciding their own submission, review timeline, and programme, for publicizing the workshop, and for managing the registration fees and payment.
For the request of the “EG in-Cooperation” Status, the Chairs of the accepted EG2019 Workshops should follow the instructions available at the following URL
For those Workshops that will decide to publish their proceedings in the EG Digital Library, publishing costs, notification and camera-ready deadlines are enforced by the Publisher and Chairs will be communicated successively to the Workshop acceptance.
Examples of successful Workshops co-located with previous Eurographics Conferences
● 3DOR 2018 – 3D Object Retrieval Workshop (
● VRIPHYS 2018: Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation (
● WICED 2017 – Intelligent Camera Control, Cinematography and Editing (
● EXPRESSIVE 2016 - Computational Aesthetics and Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modelling and Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (
● ILE 2014 – Immersive Learning and Education (
● UDMV 2014 – Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation (
EG2019 Workshop Chairs
● Giuseppe Patané (CNR-IMATI, Italy)
● Ligang Liu (USTC, China)
● Renato Pajarola (Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland)
EG 2019 State-of-the-Art Report - Call for papers - EXTENDED DEADLINE
State-of-the-Art Reports (STARs) provide an up-to-date and comprehensive
overview of a special topic of current interest related to Computer
Graphics. We welcome submissions on all topics relevant to EUROGRAPHICS, and
particularly encourage STARs on topics that have not been covered in any
recent edition. STAR reports on cross-sectional, multi-disciplinary areas
are also highly welcomed. A STAR can also address the use of Computer
Graphics techniques in a different scientific discipline or in industrial
practice. For examples of suitable STAR topics, please refer to the
EUROGRAPHICS digital library.
Accepted STARs will be published in a special issue of Computer Graphics
Forum, which appears right before the EUROGRAPHICS conference. The journal
status of the proceedings requires a two-stage review process with
conditional acceptance after the first round and final acceptance based on
the revised submissions. Submissions needing a major revision will be
transferred to the standard submission track of Computer Graphics Forum.
At EUROGRAPHICS 2019, the authors of a STAR will be given 90 minutes to
present the report at a level that allows non-experts in the particular
domain to follow the presentation.
Submission details
Electronic submissions of STARs is mandatory and will be conducted using the
Submission and Review Management System. Papers must be written in English
and prepared according to this year's template, which can be found at:
The deadline for the submission of STARs is 23:59 UTC, October 29, 2018,
with notification of conditional acceptance on December 21, 2018. The
revised version of conditionally accepted STARs will have to be submitted at
a later date for a second review, and the camera ready version will be due
about 6 weeks before the start of the conference.
The STARs undergo a single-blind review process. To demonstrate the relevant
expertise needed to produce the proposed STAR, authors should include their
short biographies as supplementary materials.
We do not impose strict maximum lengths for these submissions. However, it
is recommended that papers be up to 20 pages excluding references and the
authors' short bios, to conform to the general recommendation for CGF survey
October 29, 2018 Full STAR submission deadline
December 21, 2018 First review notification
February 18, 2019 Revised STAR submission
March 11, 2019 Second review notification
March 25, 2019 CRC deadline
Eurographics STAR Chairs
Andrea Giachetti, University of Vernoa, Italy
Holly Rushmeier, Yale University, USA
Contact: chairs-eg2019stars(a)
Dear colleagues,
The ViRVIG Research Center ( <> at UPC
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) is looking for a new PhD student in
Computer Graphics.
The research is embedded in the 3D4LIFE project, "Visualization, modeling,
simulation and interaction with 3D models. Applications in life sciences and
urban environments", funded by Spanish Ministry and FEDER funds.
** Project **
The 3D4LIFE project focuses on large models stemming mainly from two fields:
life sciences and urban modeling. In life sciences we address three distinct
sources of information: medical imaging devices (diagnosis and training),
molecular simulations in pharmacology, and biomechanical data. Concerning
urban modeling, we focus on the generation of plausible models (geometric
models, simulation of crowd behaviors) from multiple data sources. Despite
the transversal nature of the project, the specific objectives are conceived
to facilitate the development of 3D applications meant to improve the
quality of life of the people, both in their health (clinical diagnosis,
simulations in sports biomechanics, design of new drugs) and in their
immediate surroundings (crowd behavior simulation, sustainable urban design,
cultural heritage).
The candidate will contribute to the modeling, visualization, simulation or
interaction problems in the context of the project. The specific topic for
the successful candidate will be decided according to his/her prior
** Profile **
Candidates should have a background in Computer Science or related fields
(MSc level), with a strong interest in Computer Graphics. Candidates should
have demonstrable experience in 3D programming and excellent knowledge of
both written and spoken English.
** Offer **
The position will be available after the publication of the resolution
granting the aid, which is expected by *April-May 2019*.
The candidate will join the ViRVIG research group at UPC-Barcelona, which
offers a great opportunity for high-quality Computer
Graphics research. The position is funded for up to four years.
** How to apply **
To apply please prepare and submit the following information (deadline
October 19):
1. Curriculum Vitae, including a list of your publications (if any)
2. Academic record
3. A cover letter stating your research interests and how they relate to the
4. [Optional] Recommendation letter(s)
to Carlos Andujar ( <> andujar(a) Please
quote "PhD position" in the subject.
Selected candidates will be asked (and assisted) to fill the formal
application at the Spanish Ministry web page.
Would you be so kind to distribute this offer among potential candidates?
Carlos Andujar
Associate Professor