*** Apologies for cross-posting ***
We are seeking an engaged and bright PhD student to work with us in the areas of Visual Analytics and Information Visualization. The main focus of the advertised position (ref. HR-2024/1066) includes topics such as Machine Learning, Explainable AI, Network Visualization, Graph Drawing, and Dimensionality Reduction.
Research in this doctoral project will involve foundational principles, techniques, and tools for analyzing complex data. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with experts across these fields, contributing to the advancement of science and publishing the results in relevant and important revenues. The position is full-time, and the start date is flexible. Strong programming skills (e.g., JavaScript, Python) and experience in developing web-based visualization tools are highly desirable. Please visit the official vacancy website of Linnaeus University for a more detailed description of the topic, formal requirements, and how to apply for this position:
The application deadline is August 15, 2024.
Note that a PhD position in Sweden is salaried employment with social benefits. As a doctoral student, you will devote most of your time to doctoral studies and the research projects of which you are a part. Your work may also include teaching or other departmental duties, up to a maximum of 20% of full-time. The PhD thesis must be completed and defended within the official appointment, which may extend up to a maximum of five years (i.e., 4 years of doctoral studies and 1 year of departmental tasks, full-time equivalent).
The advertised position will be placed in the ISOVIS research group (https://cs.lnu.se/isovis) led by Prof Andreas Kerren, at Linnaeus University, Växjö, which is part of the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology. The research group focuses on exploring and visualizing large and complex information spaces, with a strong emphasis on innovation and academic excellence in fields like Information Visualization and Visual Analytics.
Please share this message with any great candidates.
Claudio D. G. Linhares, Ph.D.,
Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Media Technology Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden https://lnu.se/personal/claudio.linhares/
Dear Colleagues,
We again invite you to participate in the poster track of the annual
Eurographics Symposium on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM)
2024 in Magdeburg.
The submission deadline for 1-2 page abstracts has been extended until
August 18 at 23:59 CET (UTC+1). More information is available at
We are looking forward to your contributions!
Best regards,
The VCBM 2024 Poster Chairs
CALL FOR Poster Papers
International Conference on Cyberworlds CW2024 Yamanashi, Japan, October
29-31, 2024
In-cooperation with Eurographics Association and ACM SIGGRAPH
Cyberworlds are information spaces and communities that immensely augment the way we interact, participate in business and receive information throughout the world. Cyberworlds seriously impact our lives and the evolution of the world economy by taking such forms as social networking services, 3D shared virtual communities and massively multiplayer online role-playing games. The international conferences on Cyberworlds have being organized annually since 2002 with the proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society and selected papers published in multiple journals, including The Visual Computer. The 23rd annual Cyberworlds conference, Cyberworlds 2024, will be held in Kofu, Yamanashi Prefecture, which is renowned as the home of Mount Fuji.
Up to 2-page poster papers will also be included in the conference proceedings, which will be published by the IEEE Computer Society's Conference Publishing Services and indexed by IEEE Xplore and SCOPUS (EI Compendex).
While both full and short papers require a “Full Registration,” a poster presentation by a student only requires a“Student Registration”. However, student registrants will have full access to the conference, including all social events, same as full and short paper presenters. This includes the reception at a winery, the banquet with a fantastic night view, and the excursion to the Mount Fuji area.
Visual Computing: Extended reality (XR); Computer graphics; Computer animation; Visualization; Image processing; Computer vision, Deep learning in visual computing, etc.
Data Science for Immersive Communication: Immersive visual analytics; Machine and deep learning in visual communication; Collaborative visual analysis, etc.
Applications: Digital humans; Education in cyberspace; Shared art and cultural heritage; Health care in cyberspace; Online games and living in shared virtual worlds; Shared digital fabrication, etc.
Multimodal Interaction and Human Factors: Man-machine interaction (haptics, olfaction, sonification); Human dynamics; Communication; Collaboration; Entertainment; Digital assistants; Enhanced living; Human augmentation, etc.
Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) in Extended Reality (XR): BCI applications; EEG-based neuroimaging; Mobile and adaptive BCIs; Neurofeedback systems and games; Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity; Machine-assisted cognitive enhancement, etc.
Human Factors in Cyberspace: Affective computing; Emotion artificial intelligence; Human factors in transportation and industry; Biosignals; Internet of bodies; Machine and deep learning for biosignal-based algorithms; Neuroergonomics; Cognitive multimodal interfaces; Human factors in XR; Cognitive human-robot interaction, etc.
Cybercrime Prevention: Identity and trust management; Content protection and digital rights management; Information hiding and anonymity; Privacy protocols; Security protocols; Malware detection; Attack detection, etc.
Biometrics in Cyberspaces: Behavioral biometrics; Biometric template protection; Emerging biometrics; Multi-biometrics; Presentation attack detection, etc.
Internet of Things: Security of embedded systems; Security protocols; Security in V2X and smart cities; Mobile networks security, IoT & big data, etc.
Analysis of Digital Traces in Cyberspaces: Forensics (computer, mobile devices, network, social media); Altered content detection (multimedia, deep fake); Digital data analysis (social media, file carving), etc.
Poster papers submission Aug 19, 2024 (Mon)
Poster papers notification Aug 30, 2024 (Fri)
More Details on the conference can be found from the website:
<https://cyberworlds2024.yamanashi-u.jp/> https://cyberworlds2024.yamanashi-u.jp/
We look forward to receiving your submissions!
General Chair: Xiaoyang Mao, University of Yamanashi, Japan
Program Chair: Alexei Sourin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
PostDoc Position in Computer Vision, Graphics or Human Vision (open topic), funded for 2 years
The Cognitive Computer Vision Lab at the Chair of Visual Computing at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany is looking for a postdoc with an interest in areas involving or related to inverse graphics from a computer vision and graphics or a computational cognitive science perspective.
- the position is funded via a prestigeous personal stipend of the Humboldt Foundation
- funding will be provided for 2 years
- the project is not fixed, so the topic is flexible
We offer:
- interdisciplinary and innovative projects
- access to an extensive international network
- an open-minded, cooperative team
- flexible working hours and family-friendly working time schemes
- access to advanced education and training
- travel costs for trips and conferences related to the project
Needed Qualifications:
- phd in Computer Science, Math, Physics or related or Cognitive Science, Neuroscience or related
- publication record
- experience with computer vision, graphics, machine learning, programming
- interest in interdisciplinary and collaborative work
Please indicate what you would imagine to work on in our lab and apply with a copy your CV and your phd thesis via email to bernhard.egger(a)fau.de <mailto:bernhard.egger@fau.de> till August 27st
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Egger
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
Department Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Graphische Datenverarbeitung (LGDV)
Cauerstraße 11
91058 Erlangen
+49 9131 85-29926
bernhard.egger(a)fau.de <mailto:bernhard.egger@fau.de>
0 1 0
0 0 1
1 1 1
The Bio+MedVis challenge is announcing that, based on several requests, we decided to extend the submission deadline by one week to August 23. So the new important dates are the following:
Submission: August 23, 2024
Notification: August 29, 2024
Camera-ready version: September 5, 2024
Check the webpage http://biovis.net/2024/biovisChallenges_vis/, where you will find all the important information about this year's challenge.
Please feel free to ask questions at: biovis_challenge(a)ieeevis.org <mailto:biovis_challenge@ieeevis.org> .
The best submissions will be invited to present their work during the conference.
On behalf of the organizers:
Barbora Kozlikova, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Nils Gehlenborg, Harvard Medical School, USA
Laura Garrison, University of Bergen, Norway
Eric Mörth, Harvard Medical School, USA
Simon Warchol, Harvard University, USA
Morgan Turner, Harvard Medical School, USA
Dear all,
We are delighted to share the following CGVC 2024 updates with you:
Programme Announcement
The CGVC 2024 programme is now available at https://cgvc.org.uk/CGVC2024/programme
We are very excited to welcome you at City, University of London in September and look forward to brilliant keynotes by our international speakers. You can find out more about the conference keynotes at https://cgvc.org.uk/CGVC2024/keynote
Conference Registration
The conference registration is open at https://cgvc.org.uk/CGVC2024/registration
Registration Deadline
Please register by Friday 6th September 2024.
Visa Letter
If you require a visa letter to attend the conference, please email the following details to chairs-cgvc2024(a)eg.org<mailto:chairs-cgvc2024@eg.org>, once you have completed the registration process:
* Your full name, as it appears on your passport
* Whether you will be attending only or presenting at the conference
We look forward to seeing you in London!
With warmest regards,
The CGVC 2024 Conference Committee
Call for Full Papers
For its 46th edition, the EUROGRAPHICS 2025 Full Papers Program will showcase innovative research in Computer Graphics and related areas. We invite submissions of new ideas and encourage all forms of research creativity, from all areas related to Computer Graphics, including but not limited to: rendering, modeling, animation, generative AI, deep learning for graphics, simulation, geometry processing, image/video editing, fabrication, 3D printing, computational imaging, display technologies, graphics hardware, human-computer interaction, visualization, virtual and augmented reality.
In addition to novel algorithms, Eurographics welcomes submissions introducing new datasets and benchmarks, or original experimental studies that advance computer graphics.
All submissions will undergo a double-blind two-step review process. Accepted full papers will be presented at Eurographics 2025 and published in the <https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14678659> Computer Graphics Forum journal.
Furthermore, we are pleased to announce the presence of renowned keynote speakers:
* Alexei Efros (UC Berkeley)
* Michael Black (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)
* Karen Liu (Stanford University)
* Justin Solomon (MIT)
Eurographics 2025 will be hosted in London, UK on May 12th-16th, 2025.
Important Dates:
* [Thu] Oct. 3, 2024 : Full paper due
* [Tue] Nov. 26, 2024 : Reviews released
* [Tue] Dec. 3, 2024 : Rebuttal due
* [Fri] Dec. 20, 2024 : Notification for conditional acceptance or rejection
arXiv Policy: Eurographics maintains the same arxiv policy as SIGGRAPH.
More information on Eurographics 2025 is available at: <http://eg25.cs.ucl.ac.uk/> http://eg25.cs.ucl.ac.uk/
Eurographics 2025 Full Papers Chairs, chairs-eg2025full(at)eg(dot)org
Angela Dai, Technical University of Munich
Adrien Bousseau, Inria Université Côte d’Azur
Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to participate in the poster track of the
annual Eurographics Symposium on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine
(VCBM) 2024. This year, the symposium will be hosted by the
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany, on September 19-20, 2024.
The submission deadline for 1-2 page abstracts is on August 9 at 23:59 CET
(UTC+1). More information is available at
We are looking forward to your contributions!
Best regards,
The VCBM 2024 Poster Chairs
Call for Papers: International Conference on Geometric Modeling and
Processing (GMP 2025)
May 28-30, 2025, St. Louis, MO, USA
<https://sites.wustl.edu/gmp2025/> https://sites.wustl.edu/gmp2025/
GMP is an annual international conference series on geometric modeling,
simulation, and computing. The modeling and processing of geometric data is
fundamental to many computer applications, including computer graphics,
computer vision, CAD/CAM, medical imaging, engineering analysis, robotics,
additive manufacturing, and scientific computing. The GMP conference series
provides researchers and practitioners with a forum for exchanging new
ideas, discussing new applications, and presenting new solutions. GMP is one
of the three flagship conferences held by ASIAGRAPHICS. The first GMP
conference was held in Pittsburgh (US) in 2006 and subsequent conferences
were held in Asia, Europe and the US.
The organizers of GMP 2025 invite submissions of full-length papers on
topics including, but not limited to:
* Computational design, manufacturing and 3D printing
* Computational geometry and topology
* Discrete differential geometry
* Geometric content generation
* Geometric feature modeling and recognition
* Geometric learning/data-driven approaches
* Image based modeling
* Isogeometric analysis
* Material modeling
* Mathematical foundations of computer aided geometric design
* Multi-resolution and heterogeneous modeling
* Shape and solid representation
* Shape optimization
Important Dates
* Dec. 9, 2024: abstract submission (23:59:59 UTC)
* Dec. 16, 2024: paper submission (23:59:59 UTC)
* Feb. 17, 2025: first review cycle notification
* Mar. 10, 2025: revised paper submission (23:59:59 UTC)
* Apr. 14, 2025: second review cycle notification
* Apr. 21, 2025: early registration
* May 28-30, 2025: conference dates
Paper Submission
The official language of the conference is English and manuscripts must be
written in English. The submitted papers should present previously
unpublished, original results that are not simultaneously submitted
elsewhere. All papers will be rigorously peer-reviewed by members of the
international program committee of GMP. The review process will be
double-blind. Please use our LaTeX template for your submission (expected
length is 10 to 15 pages).
Submission link: <https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/GMP_2025>
The conference proceedings will be published in a special issue of
Computer-Aided Geometric Design (CAGD, Elsevier). To meet the high standards
of this journal, papers will undergo a two-stage review process. Authors of
papers that are determined to be acceptable with minor revisions during the
first review cycle will be invited to submit a revised version for the
second review cycle. Submissions with strong potential but requiring major
revisions will be recommended to Computer-Aided Geometric Design for a
fast-track submission process with optional reviewer continuity.
Conference Co-Chairs
Stefanie Hahmann (Inria Grenoble, France)
Tao Ju (Washington University in St. Louis, USA)
Yang Liu (Microsoft Research Asia, China)
Program Co-Chairs
Klaus Hildebrandt (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Joshua Levine (University of Arizona, USA)
Shiqing Xin (Shandong University, China)
Yang Liu
Principal Researcher
Microsoft Research Asia
Email: yangliu(a)microsoft.com <mailto:yangliu@microsoft.com>
GCH 2024
You are cordially invited to contribute to the 22nd EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH). GCH 2024 ( <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.gch2024.eu/__;!!IWcW7C1FDU-5!bjiD6HJ…> https://www.gch2024.eu/) welcomes presentations of new research, projects, demonstrations and applications that demonstrate how computer graphics and other digital technologies are impacting Cultural Heritage (CH) research, preservation and dissemination and promoting sustainable cultural tourism. Specific sessions will be organised to seek new challenges and projects involving different stakeholders of the Heritage ecosystem. Hence, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome to the event.
The event aims to engage with practitioners and researchers across the world working at novel digital technologies and approaches to CH. This year, the workshop is organized in Darmstadt (Germany) from 16th – 18th September 2024 and will take place in the Hessian Landesmuseum ( <https://www.hlmd.de/en/> Welcome to the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt – Hessische Landesmuseum Darmstadt (hlmd.de))
City of Science or Centre of Culture? Darmstadt is both. Like almost no other city, it combines an appreciation of the arts with a passion for science and innovation. Darmstadt still has the charm of a royal capital – at the same time it is a modern city, a laboratory for cultural as well as scientific experiments. The journey started on the Mathildenhöhe with the forming of the Artists' Colony, a group of artists whose exhibitions enjoyed worldwide recognition and who created a document of modern forms of construction and housing - starting point for modern industrial design.
UNESCO honored Darmstadt’s Mathildenhöhe as world heritage site in July 2021 as an outstanding example of experimental architecture of the early 20th century consisting of the Wedding Tower, Exhibition Hall, Artists' Colony Museum, plane tree grove and artists' houses.
The second UNESCO award back in 1995 was the honoration of the Messel Pit as UNESCO Natural Heritage Site. Messel Pit is the richest site in the world for understanding the living environment of the Eocene, between 57 million and 36 million years ago. In particular, it provides unique information about the early stages of the evolution of mammals and includes exceptionally well-preserved mammal fossils, ranging from fully articulated skeletons to the contents of stomachs of animals of this period.
GCH2024 invites you to join into dedicated trips to both sites, offering you a unique opportunity to visit the two world heritage sites.
The objective of this year’s EG GCH is to foster discussion between research scientists at the crossroads of AI, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, HCI design, and Digital Heritage researchers, in a collaborative environment with cultural institutions, scholars in the Cultural Heritage domain and Creative Industries.
GCH 2024 welcomes presentations of new research, projects, applications and best practices that show innovative ideas or other advanced digital technologies involved in CH research, analysis, preservation, simulation, documentation, dissemination, and promotion. Inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary approaches are particularly welcome to the event.
We encourage the community to participate in the discussions on promises and concerns about the adoption of AI and reconstruction technologies by scientists and practitioners in the field of Creative Industries and CH.
For the research community, GCH 2024 will provide an excellent scientific forum to exchange novel ideas and groundbreaking developments as well as to identify future research opportunities. For practitioners and students, GCH 2024 will provide a unique opportunity to feed into technical developments as well as to identify new techniques and ideas which can be transferred into practice.
Journal Tracks
Like last year, GCH has established agreements with leading journals, including the ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage and the Elsevier Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Journal. Hence, we invite authors to submit innovative research via Special Issues in these journals.
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/dl.acm.org/journal/jocch__;!!IWcW7C1FDU-…> ACM JOCCH’s Special Issue on “Visual Heritage” focuses on novel computing research for documenting, accessing and researching cultural heritage, including areas of computer graphics, computer vision, artificial intelligence, visualisation, human-computer interfaces, and other visual technologies. Short versions of these papers will be included in the EG proceedings, while the Special Issue will be published by December 2024.
!!! This call is closed !!!
Elsevier DAACH’ Special Issue on “Digital Restoration for Cultural Heritage Preservation” focuses on applications, design and advancements in 3D digitization, digital restoration, and visualization techniques specifically tailored for the preservation of cultural heritage. More information on the call can be found at: <https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/digital-applications-in-archaeology-a…> https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/digital-applications-in-archaeology-a…
!!! This call is still open !!!
Types of non-Journal Contributions for GCH 2024
Authors for non-journal contributions will present different types of papers to GCH 2024 including:
1. Full Research Papers: original and innovative research (max. 10 pages incl. refs.)
2. Short Papers: research activities, applications or projects (max. 4 pages inc. refs.)
3. Posters / Demo: overview of activities or national/international Interdisciplinary projects (2 pages)
Contributions are solicited within the following topics (but not limited to):
1. Digitisation of CH resources (3D scanning, motion capture, multispectral imaging, X-ray, terahertz imaging, etc.)
2. Material acquisition, reconstruction, preservation
3. AI-based view synthesis for ad-hoc 2d and 3d reconstruction
4. AI-based material reconstruction for rendering and presentation
5. General AI technologies that could be beneficial for eXtended Reality CH environments
6. Advanced image-based rendering techniques
7. Collaborative interactive eXtended and hybrid environments
8. Visualisation for CH applications
9. eXtended reality applications in the field of CH
10. Multi-modal analysis of CH data
11. Spatial and mobile augmentation of physical collections
12. Emotional and cognitive user experience design
13. Interactive solutions and HCI design for CH applications
14. Virtual Museums, Digital Technologies and Applications for Museums
15. Digital fabrication, including 3D printing for tangible interfaces
16. Semantic technologies for digital libraries
Registration Fees
GCH 2024
LATE (from 16.08.2024)
EG member 2
€ 350
€ 480
€ 300
€ 370
Non EG member
€ 430
€ 530
€ 330
€ 430
Social Dinner: € 75
1 Early-bird: before 15.08.2024
2 The registration fee does not include EG membership.
Eurographics is a professional Computer Graphics association, a non-profit organization, that devotes its efforts to providing useful resources and services for members.
If you want to become an EG member, follow instructions at: <https://services.eg.org/EG> https://services.eg.org/EG
GCH2024 is organised and supported by TU Darmstadt, Fraunhofer IGD, Landesmuseum Hessen, DFG, CNR ISPC & ISTI, and the PERCEIVE project.