The 2nd Call for Papers
International Conference on Cyberworlds CW2024
Yamanashi, Japan, October 29-31, 2024
In-cooperation with Eurographics Association and ACM SIGGRAPH
Cyberworlds are information spaces and communities that immensely augment
the way we interact, participate in business and receive information
throughout the world. Cyberworlds seriously impact our lives and the
evolution of the world economy by taking such forms as social networking
services, 3D shared virtual communities and massively multiplayer online
role-playing games. The international conferences on Cyberworlds have being
organized annually since 2002 with the proceedings published by IEEE
Computer Society and selected papers published in multiple journals,
including The Visual Computer. The 23rd annual International Conference on
Cyberworlds, CW 2024, will be held in Kofu, Yamanashi Prefecture, which is
renowned as the home of Mount Fuji.
Visual Computing: Extended reality (XR); Computer graphics; Computer
animation; Visualization; Image processing; Computer vision, Deep learning
in visual computing, etc.
Data Science for immersive communication: Immersive visual analytics;
Machine and deep learning in visual communication; Collaborative visual
analysis, etc.
Applications: Digital humans; Education in cyberspace; Shared art and
cultural heritage; Health care in cyberspace; Online games and living in
shared virtual worlds; Shared digital fabrication, etc.
Multimodal Interaction and Human Factors: Man-machine interaction
(haptics, olfaction, sonification); Human dynamics; Communication;
Collaboration; Entertainment; Digital assistants; Enhanced living; Human
augmentation, etc.
Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) in Extended Reality (XR): BCI
applications; EEG-based neuroimaging; Mobile and adaptive BCIs;
Neurofeedback systems and games; Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity;
Machine-assisted cognitive enhancement, etc.
Human Factors in Cyberspace: Affective computing; Emotion artificial
intelligence; Human factors in transportation and industry; Biosignals;
Internet of bodies; Machine and deep learning for biosignal-based
algorithms; Neuroergonomics; Cognitive multimodal interfaces; Human factors
in XR; Cognitive human-robot interaction, etc.
Cybercrime Prevention: Identity and trust management; Content protection
and digital rights management; Information hiding and anonymity; Privacy
protocols; Security protocols; Malware detection; Attack detection, etc.
Biometrics in Cyberspaces: Behavioral biometrics; Biometric template
protection; Emerging biometrics; Multi-biometrics; Presentation attack
detection, etc.
Internet of Things: Security of embedded systems; Security protocols;
Security in V2X and smart cities; Mobile networks security, IoT & big data,
Analysis of Digital Traces in Cyberspaces: Forensics (computer, mobile
devices, network, social media); Altered content detection (multimedia, deep
fake); Digital data analysis (social media, file carving), etc.
Papers (Full/Short) Submission June 14, 2024 (Fri)
Papers (Full/Short) Notification July 22, 2024 (Mon)
Poster papers submission Aug 2, 2024 (Fri)
Poster papers notification Aug 19, 2024 (Mon)
Submission details can be found on the conference website:
We look forward to receiving your submissions.
General Chair: Xiaoyang Mao, University of Yamanashi, Japan
Program Chair: Alexei Sourin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
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Towards a sustainable earth: Print only when necessary. Thank you.
The deadline for paper and poster submissions to CGVC 2024 is fast approaching!
* Application to the giCentre-funded Nigel W. John Scholarship: Deadline on 14th June. See Scholarship details at:
* The deadline for submitting a PAPER or POSTER has been EXTENDED to 17th June. See Call for Papers at:
* Submission: 17 June 2024
* Decisions Available: 24 July 2024
* Camera Ready: 7 August 2024
* Conference: 12-13 September 2024
On behalf of the Organising Committee, I'm delighted to share some exciting updates and conference information with you.
* The CGVC '24 programme is shaping up well with an excellent lineup of confirmed KEYNOTE speakers, including Petra Isenberg ( and Rachel McDonnell ( and an INDUSTRY KEYNOTE by Amir Hussain, CEO at
* We are delighted to announce a SPECIAL SESSION on Human-centred Decision-Making through Data Visualisation, with talks on cutting-edge EPSRC-funded visualisation research across the UK.
* Early career researchers are invited to a RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT fireside chat, where they can have relaxed and friendly conversations with established academics in the field of visualisation and visual computing.
* More exciting programme updates will be circulated closer to the conference date.
* Registration is now open. You can register at:
* IMPORTANT: if you are planning to apply to the Nigel W. John Scholarship, please DO NOT register until you have received a decision about your scholarship application.
* The conference takes place on 12-13th September in LONDON. See venue details at:
We invite you to share your research in all areas of visual computing at the 42nd annual conference on computer graphics, visualisation, and visual computing (CGVC 2024).
CGVC, organised by the Eurographics UK Chapter, will be hosted by the giCentre at City, University of London.
The CGVC conference aims to foster greater exchange between visual computing researchers and practitioners, to welcome new researchers and industry partners in the UK, Europe and beyond into this rapidly growing area of research.
The official CFP can be found at: []
Please consider submitting your work to the conference and share this information with colleagues and early career researchers who may be interested in submitting.
Topics of interest:
Submissions are invited (but not limited to) Computer Graphics, Visualization, Virtual Reality, Visual Analytics, Visual Data Science, Computer Animation, Computer-based Arts and Entertainment, Image processing, Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques, Graphics Architectures and Acceleration Hardware, Medical Imaging, Multimedia Visualisation, Computer Games, Rendering Techniques, Scientific Visualisation and Big Data, Geospatial Visualisation, Augmented Reality and Collaborative Environments, Mobile Apps and Interactive Devices, Human Computer Interaction, Robotics.
We welcome contributions in the form of full papers, short papers, and posters. Submissions are optionally single- or double-blind: authors may choose whether to anonymize their submission or not. Reviewers' identities are not revealed.
Accepted papers will appear in the Eurographics digital library and will serve as full paper publications.
Please consider submitting and joining us in London. We look forward to seeing you there.
Do contact us on chairs-cgvc2024(a)<> if you have any questions.
Conference Committee:
Mai Elshehaly, Conference Chair. City, University of London
Aidan Slingsby, Programme Chair. City, University of London
David Hunter, Programme Chair. Aberystwyth University
VCBM 2024 Call for Short Papers
We are happy to announce that the annual Eurographics Symposium on Visual
Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM) will be hosted by the
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany, on September 19/20, 2024.
Call for Short Papers
Aims and Scope
Work presented at the Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and
Medicine (EG VCBM) should reflect the state of the art in visual computing and its
applications in biology and medicine. VCBM’s scope encompasses all aspects of visual
computing research, technological development, and practices in medicine and life
sciences. Relevant topics include both the acquisition, processing, visualization and
interpretation of image data in biology and medicine and the visual analysis and
communication of life science data.
Submission types for VCBM 2024
Submissions for this year’s meeting include original papers (full and short) survey
papers, and tutorial sessions. Please see previous EG VCBM’s proceedings for
examples of published papers. We encourage authors to provide supporting information
in the form of videos and other media. The deadline for short paper submissions is June
21, 2024. All EG VCBM 2024 short papers will be peer-reviewed and will appear in the
Eurographics Digital Library.
Short Papers should describe original, application-oriented research that advances the
fusion of visual computing methods within medicine and biology. Accepted work will
focus on a well-defined biological or medical problem, and demonstrate significant
innovation or improvement in visual computing.
All aspects relating to the development, application and practices of visual computing in
the life sciences are relevant to the meeting. These include:
■ Visual computing solutions designed for use by medical, biomedical, and
biological practitioners, researchers and educators.
■ The use of eXtended Reality (e.g., for surgical procedures, molecular
visualization, rehabilitation, and therapy).
■ Approaches for processing, visual analysis, and communication of data from
new or challenging modalities (e.g., real-time ultrasound, CyTOF,
Spectroscopy, layer fMRI, single-cell and spatial-omics, environmental
Visual computing approaches incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) and
explainable AI.
■ Visual computing solutions that support new approaches for modeling and
simulation with application in medicine and biology.
■ Workflows and processes leveraging visual computing to facilitate
interdisciplinary collaboration in biology and medicine.
We encourage the use of digital videos to support all submissions. Please use only the
most common video codecs, such as MP4 H.264, to maximize the chances that the
reviewers can view them.
Short papers describe a more focused and concise research contribution and are likely
to have a smaller – yet significant – scope of contribution. Potential examples include the
presentation of initial results from novel ongoing research projects or the exploration of
new application areas. Short papers draw from the same list of topics as full papers.
Their length is limited to a total of 5 pages (in CGF LaTeX style including all images and
references). Authors may choose to anonymize their submissions, but this is not
EG VCBM 2024 will also feature a poster and an image contest program, the details of
which will be announced in a separate call.
Submission Instructions
Papers can be submitted using the Eurographics SRM conference management system.
Instructions regarding the submission process can be found here.
Important Dates
Short papers
■ Short paper submission deadline: June 21, 2024
■ Author notification: July 19, 2024
■ Camera-ready deadline: August 9, 2024
■ Final notification: August 23, 2024
■ Workshop: September 19 & 20, 2024
All deadlines are at 23:59 CET (UTC+1).
the Short Paper Co-Chairs of EG VCBM 2024,
■ Laura Garrison (University of Bergen, Norway)
■ Daniel Jönsson (Linköping University, Sweden)
ICGI 2024: International Conference on Graphics and Interaction 2024
Vila Real
Vila Real, Portugal, November 7-8, 2024
Conference website
Submission link
Submission deadline
July 8, 2024
ICGI 2024 – International Conference on Graphics and Interaction – corresponds to the 31st conference promoted by the Eurographics Portuguese Chapter – the Portuguese group of the European Association for Computer Graphics. The conference started in the late 80's as a small symposium and has grown in importance each year.
ICGI 2024 is dedicated to the latest and promising research related to interaction techniques, computer graphics, and its applications, including software, hardware, visualisation, and games. It covers the areas of Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Computer Vision, Information Visualization, Human-Computer Interaction, as well as related fields such as Virtual and Augmented Reality, Modelling, Rendering, Digital Arts, and Information Visualization.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The official languages of the conference are English and Portuguese. Articles written in Portuguese must also include the title and abstract in English. The following paper categories are welcome:
* Full papers should not exceed 8 A4 pages.
* Short papers should not exceed 4 A4 pages.
* Posters should be designed as A0 portrait orientation and should be accompanied by a text, in the same format as the articles, with a maximum of 2 A4 pages to be included in the conference proceedings
* Special Section in the Computers & Graphics Journal which is an alternative track for paper submission, with its own set of deadlines. All accepted papers are scheduled for oral presentation at the event.
List of Topics
* Computer Graphics Algorithms
* Image Processing and Analysis
* Computer Vision
* Information Visualisation
* Modelling
* Rendering
* Computer Games
* Human-Computer Interaction
* Multimedia and Hypermedia
* Multimodal and Multisensory Interfaces
* Usability and UX
* User-Centred Design
* Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality
* Digital Arts
All accepted conference papers (short and full) will appear in the ICGI 2024 digital proceedings (book with ISBN) and, similar to previous ICGI editions, will be submitted for publication on IEEE Xplore Digital Library (application in progress).
The conference will be held at University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to icgi2024(a) <> .
Kind regards,
Anabela Marto
José Creissac Campos
**** Nigel W. John Scholarships to attend CGVC 2024 ****
We are pleased to announce five scholarships, sponsored by the giCentre, to cover registration at CGVC 2024 in memory of our late colleague Prof. Nigel W. John.
The Scholarships aim to encourage a diverse group of early career researchers (especially PhD students) to attend the conference for the first time and share ideas with peers.
To qualify, you must be a current student or recent graduate who is working or has worked in a discipline that is cognate to CVCG. See for details.
Application deadline: 14th June 2024.
To apply for the Nigel W. John scholarships, please send the following to chairs-cgvc2024(a)<> (deadline 14th June):
* Subject "Nigel W. John Scholarship Application", cc your academic supervisor or advisor.
* Your name, institution, discipline, and stage of study
* Any contribution that you have submitted or intend to submit to CGVC 2024 (we encourage these, but you do not need to submit something to apply for a scholarship)
* Confirmation that you have not previously attended CGVC
* A named academic supervisor or advisor who can confirm that you qualify (see above, please cc in the email)
* A 100 word (max) supporting statement that explains why you would like to attend and how this will be beneficial.
The organising committee will rank submissions based on the prospective benefit of conference attendance to each applicant and allocate the awards to five recipients, with a maximum of two per institution.
CVCG 2024 starts on 12th September 2024, the day that Nigel's son Marc plans to arrive at John O'Groats having ridden the length of the UK this year<> in memory of his Dad.
Full Scholarship details at:
Conference Committee:
* Mai Elshehaly, Conference Chair. City, University of London
* Aidan Slingsby, Programme Chair. City, University of London
* David Hunter, Programme Chair. Aberystwyth University
Dear all,
The submission deadline for CGVC 2024 has now been extended to 17th June (see
Topics include computer graphics, information visualization, computer vision, virtual reality, visual analytics, visual data science, animation, image processing, acquisition and reconstruction techniques, graphics architectures and acceleration hardware, medical imaging, computer games, rendering, scientific visualisation, augmented reality, human computer interaction and robotics. See the call for more details.
This year, we particularly welcome submissions on:
* Geographical visualisation
* Visual analytics
* Visualisation for social good
Conference dates: 12-13 September, 2024.
Our programme is shaping up, with a keynote from Petra Isenberg ( confirmed and some special researcher development sessions especially for those near the beginning of their research careers.
We are open for PAPER, SHORT PAPER and POSTER submissions. Papers will be logged in an indexed Eurographics Digital Library (last year's are here
Do consider submitting something and coming in September.
Contact us on chairs-cgvc2024(a)<> if you have any questions.
Conference Committee:
* Mai Elshehaly, Conference Chair. City, University of London
* Aidan Slingsby, Programme Chair. City, University of London
* David Hunter, Programme Chair. Aberystwyth University
Web3D 2024: Call for Papers and Posters <> - Submission Deadline: 20 May, 2024
Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested colleagues and students.
Web3D 2024 <> : 29th International Conference on 3D Web Technology is hosted by CCG/ZGDV Institute <> and sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH <> , in cooperation with Web3D Consortium <> and supported by Eurographics <> will be held in beautiful Guimarães, Portugal from 25 – 27 September 2024.
Share your latest 3D work! We welcome all topics related to Web/mobile 3D content creation, publishing technology, tools, Virtual worlds, Metaverse and related studies. For more details on topis and, submission instruction, please check:
Topics and areas of Interest include: Download PDF <…>
Metaverse & Realities
Applications & Libraries
Content & Publishing
Humans, Avatars, & Animation
Industrial Applications
Transmission & Rendering
Education & Studies
Paper Submission
This is a blind peer-reviewed conference. Authors are invited to submit their papers in English through the conference EasyChair <> submission system by May 20, 2024. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously.
Important Dates: <>
Submission Deadline: 20 May, 2024
Notification to Authors: 1 July 2024
Final Camera-Ready Submission: 10 July 2024
Early Registration: Aug 1, 2024
Paper Publication
The papers will be published in electronic format by ACM SIGGRAPH, and will be made available through the ACM Digital Library <> . The best papers will be selected for publishing as extended versions in the Computer <> & Graphics International Journal.
Please visit the conference website for more opportunities and information at:
Submission deadline is 3rd June
Conference is 12-13 September.
Please consider submitting and joining us in London in September. We look
forward to seeing you there. Do contact us on
<> chairs-cgvc2024(a) if you have any
We invite you to share your research in all areas of visual computing at the
42nd annual conference on computer graphics, visualisation and visual
computing (CGVC 2024).
CGVC, organised by the Eurographics UK Chapter, will be hosted by the
giCentre at City, University of London.
The CGVC conference aims to foster greater exchange between visual computing
researchers and practitioners, to welcome new researchers and industry
partners in the UK, Europe and beyond into this rapidly growing area of
Official CFP can be found at: <> []
Please consider submitting your work to the conference and share this
information with colleagues and early career researchers who may be
interested in submitting.
Important Dates:
* Submission Deadline: 3 June 2024
* Decisions Available: 24 July 2024
* Camera Ready: 7 August 2024
* Conference: 12-13 September 2024
Topics of interest:
Submissions are invited (but not limited to) the following areas:
* Computer Graphics
* Visualization
* Computer Vision
* Virtual Reality
* Visual Analytics
* Visual Data Science
* Computer Animation
* Computer-based Arts and Entertainment
* Image processing
* Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques
* Graphics Architectures and Acceleration Hardware
* Medical Imaging
* Multimedia Visualisation
* Computer Games
* Rendering Techniques
* Scientific Visualisation and Big Data
* Information Visualization and Visual Analytics
* Geospatial Visualisation
* Augmented Reality and Collaborative Environments
* Mobile Apps and Interactive Devices
* Human Computer Interaction, Robotics, and Haptics
* Modelling Methods
This year, we particularly welcome submissions on:
* Geographical visualisation
* Visual analytics
* Visualisation for social good
We welcome contributions in the form of full papers, short papers and
posters. Submissions are optionally single- or double-blind: authors may
choose whether to anonymize their submission or not. Reviewers' identities
are not revealed.
Accepted papers will appear in the Eurographics digital library and will
serve as full paper publications.
Conference Committee:
* Mai Elshehaly, Conference Chair. City, University of London
* Aidan Slingsby, Programme Chair. City, University of London
* David Hunter, Programme Chair. Aberystwyth University